Well then here u go:
1.click on the steps so Joe keeps walkin
2.you will come to a open (broken) concrete pipe.
3.get on the side of the pipe w/ out H2O
4.walk down the pipe.
5.you will come to a door and rungs
6.go up the rungs
7.you will see a crank thing
8.walk over to the crank thing and turn it
9.leave the room in the upper right hand corner
10.you will end up in a tunnel,w/ a tunnel ahead and a pipe to ur right
11.go in the pipe
12.you will come out in a stream of water (open pipe again)
13.go right/up
14.you will come to a pipe w/ more pouring out, a ladder, then steps
15.go up the ladder
16.you will come to a pipe w/ more rungs
17.go up the rungs
18.you will end up above the unbroken concrete pipe, there will be three cranks
and a rope
19.turn all three cranks you come to by clicking them repeatedly
20.click on the rope to knock it in the pipe
21.climb down the rope (by clicking) u will end up above a trap door
22.go through the trapdoor
23.cross the rope bridge you come to
24.go up through the next trapdoor on the other side of the bridge
25.click on the bottom of the screen under Joe's feet
26.climb the rungs on your left
27.click until you get joe to be on the opposite side of the rungs
28.the view should change so you see two water wheels and two cranks
29.turn the second crank (left)
30.go back down the rungs,through the trapdoor,across the bridge, and up the o
ther trap door
31.climb the rope
32.turn the crank on the right.
33.u should see water on the other side of the chasm
34.cross the chasm (trapdoor, bridge,....)
35.repeat steps 25-28
36.close the first crank (right) and open the second (left)
37.u will see a little piece of anime of where the h2o is flowing. IF THIS DOE
SNT HAPPEN! something is wrong
38.the big H2o wheel should start turning
39.go back around basin (past the rungs)
40.grab the moving pink belt (click repeatedly)
41.start running down the steps till you get to a bag on a string
42.cross the chasm in the bag by clicking into it and clicking on the open air
43.jump out of the bag
44.walk up/left on ur screen
45.u will come to 5 flights of steps
46.go down em
47.u will end up at the bottom of the dam w/ pipes and H2O
48.wait till the H2O starts and go in pipe D as soon as it stops
49. then go up to D4
left once (u will come up in an air hole)
ASAP start goin left
go up to C5
keep goin left until you cant anymore
u will see a door (A5)
50.go out the door
51.climb the rungs on ur left (keep ur mouse above Joe)
52.u will come up on another door
53.watch through the little window and u will see the H2O start
54.go through the door as soon as it stops
55.go up to B10
56.go left once
57.go 2 the top of the dam
58.walk along the top til u come to a crank and a board
59.turn the crank and Joe will surf down on the board
60.u now have both wheels turnin!
61.walk along the outside of the trough till u get to the 2 belts
62.click on the 2nd 1 till joe jumps up and grabs it
63.walk along the steps (doo doo dee doo....)
64.another bag slide
65.when u get out of the bag slide it will go 2 the other side of the chasm th
ats OK
66.walk along the steps
67.u come to the broken concrete pipe
68.u should see water flowing through the tunnel behind it (if there isnt, som
ething is wrong)
69.go down the pipe
68.climb the rungs
69.turn the crank
70.YOU WON!!