Hula-hooping has enjoyed a comeback this year. What other trends have you spotted making a resurgence?
Jamie Theakston
2006-11-15 10:28:51 UTC
This is the real Jamie Theakston, the Brighton 1985 Hula Hooping Champion, who is asking these questions on Yahoo! Answers on behalf of Heart.

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135 answers:
2006-11-16 01:39:14 UTC
Roller Skating the old skool way at Roller Disco at what used to be Bagley's Studios in Kings Cross.....except now I'm old enough to have a beer at the same time as being on 8 wheels.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - new film due to be released next year. Cowabunga!

Hello Kitty - grown women going crazy for it. What is that all about?

80's influenced music - Razorlight are the new Roxy Music, Girls Aloud in leg warmers

Musicals - after the West End musical flagging for the last 10 years, a new breed of musical such as Avenue Q and Wicked are breathing new life into the genre. 'How do you solve a problem like Maria?' won't have hurt either

Clubbing is starting to move away from it just being about the music, and moving towards it being an entertaining aural and visual experience from the burlesque tradition - this could just be a 'London thing'.
2006-11-21 00:35:19 UTC
Hi Jamie, just saw you in a Poirot series, I know it was awhile ago but well done.

Two things really - All the old computer games from when I was a kid (I am now 33) are making a resurgence, and being released in plug straight in to TV consoles or as packs of games on newer systems.

Also ironically magnets.. They might call them dragons eggs now, but at the end of the day they are just strong magnets...

I want them to bring back acid drop sweets though and those tiny tiny little pellet sweets as well as kola bombs...

I could never do the hula hoops very well, but my stepkids can and my partner (who is a teacher so probably picks up the techniques in the playground!!) does too. If you want to add me as a myspace friend I am down as jamesb99_1999 I am going to try and create a list of things that were about when I was a kid.. And even try and get hold of all of them, so your suggestions would be welcome!..


Mr Mayor!
2006-11-15 10:42:55 UTC
Yeah I've noticed board games have been creeping back into the top games list for awhile. Plus all those retro games from the 70s and 80s like Kerplunk, that Donkey one where you put as many items on the donkey's back - yeah Buckeroo. Frustration has made a new comeback with a digitised thingy, digitised Mastermind, Operation (I loved that game!). And so much more, my head is hurting for going back that far in time!

And also there's a new website dedicated to the glories of the Commodore 64... now if that's not a comeback I don't know what else is!!
2006-11-17 05:23:31 UTC
Rubik cubes - the flippin things are always been advertised on the TV (thank u sooooo much Xmas commercials !) they drove me mad when i was a kid, and i, like many, resorted to having to peel the stickers off to get all the coloured sides to match ! also, there's that hopeless game 'mousetrap' that was another popular game from when i was a kid. i never owned one, but my cousin had it, and i remember it taking AGES to set up, then if u breathed too close to it, the whole thing just used to fall down. now i have a 4 year old son, and he's just discovered 'pester power' and is constantly asking for the mousetrap game.... and as much as i love him, there is no way that I'm buying it just so that i can spend the entire Xmas day trying to fix it every time it collapses. sometimes i think that trends from the past should stay in the past. i did always love my hula hoop though, even though i wasn't that great at it !
2006-11-20 12:35:04 UTC
Hello! Nice to see you here! Yes; the hula craze makes a reappearance as has the good old fashioned exercise push; people qualifying what they eat a lot more, and a general awareness of the consequence of ones own actions, in the direction of health!!

Add to that, bike riding, skate boarding, surfing, power-walking (the esplanade here just down the road is teeming with people all age groups, all walks of life, power walking, skipping, cycling, jogging, etc! Not to mention just enjoying the fabulous 360 view of the ocean! Meanwhile, it's so nice to meet you; enjoyed your appearance on Little Britain!!

Keep winning!
2006-11-20 02:33:36 UTC
I remember having hours of fun on the stairs playing with my slinky. Saw a few on sale recently :D Cant believe you was the Brighton hula hoop champion!!!
2006-11-18 16:04:44 UTC
My brother is 5 and I'm 25 - it's really weird how the Turtles have come back in, I had loads of turtles stuff and now wish I'd kept it for him.

Also Top Trumps in school, I used to do all that when I was 7.

Why or why have the Chuckle Brothers remained on TV all these years though - they were rubbish back then!!!
2006-11-17 14:01:37 UTC
And this is the real Amsterdam, ok ?

Yesterday in the Holloway Rd, teenage black guy, sportswear, baseball cap, wearing outside his sweatshirt, a bright pink plastic rosary. Did a double take, because it looked so - unlikely.

Today, different part of Holloway Rd, different teenage black guy, but same type, almost certainly a student at City and Islington College. Wearing outside his sweatshirt, a baby blue plastic rosary.

Strictly speaking, this is not a resurgence, since plastic rosaries in pastel colours were never fashionable before now. I would have noticed ! I have heard about kids sucking dummies though - is this part of the same trend ?
2006-11-19 21:14:40 UTC
The large hooped earring circa late 80s has been around for a while but this year I (sadly) spotted those large plastic multi-coloured earrings such as Daphne in Neighbours used to sport.

Really fashionistas, there's no excuse.
2006-11-17 03:04:51 UTC
Julio Eglesias
Jovi Freak
2006-11-20 14:13:39 UTC
My kids have a space hoppers and pogo sticks, leg warmers and rara skirts lol. They thought i'd gone mad when I put a tennis ball into a sock and stood against the wall swinging it, anyone remember that game?

What about the trick stick, yellow plastic stick with red balls on the end, and an invisible string in the centre fastened to a hoop which you put around your finger and twirled the stick around. I loved it but can't find one anywhere now !
2006-11-17 06:26:16 UTC
Hacky sacking. Remember it was a fad in the 80's especially when California Games came out on the Commador 64. Well, I have seen a resergence in it with kids playing it in my school and buying these wicked looking hacky sakcs called Dirt Bags. Check them out at I got 2 myself and I love playing it.

I could never do Hula Hooping, its like an enigma to me.
2006-11-21 01:58:00 UTC
Hi Jay..........

The best come back I have seen is the new version of the Chopper bikes! They are great and I can remember having one as a kid.

Also Poggo sticks have become popular again, only this time the have clocks on that count how many times you have jumped! Modern technology eh!

Those were the days!!!
2006-11-20 06:06:57 UTC
care bears - it was on the tele the other day I couldn't believe it - I am 25 and I was so excited - I actually delayed going out for a girly lunch cos I was watching it. My 8 yr old sister sat and watched it with me.....I was more excited than her.

the other trend that has come back in - is being a TAKE THAT fan.! We never forgot - but we never ever thought on that dreadful day they announced their split - that we would - one day - be reunited with the music gods that are TAKE THAT.

(I still have an old picture saying "i love take that" with pictures I drew of all of them on it. My dad found it out the loft when they came back to the music world and said - you'll be wanting that for your wall. hehe.

2006-11-16 15:53:46 UTC
Hi there Jamie,

I have seen and noticed the resurgence of older trends of fashion. I'm not talking about Safari suits or the such, but rather stylish trends in dresses and suits in men. Somehow, it has become a bit more fashionable to take more care af yourself as well, and this is demonstrated in personal appearance as well as dress.

More to those who take care, and less who care less.
the thinker
2006-11-16 14:47:43 UTC
I've noticed the old style roller boots are making a come back as opposed to in line skates.

I remember those old disco boots - I had a pair of red and blue ones and was so hell bent on having a pair of basketball boots when I was a kid I tried unscrewing the boots from the skates lol :o)
chris c
2006-11-21 00:26:35 UTC
The evel kenivel wind up motorbikesthat I played with in the 70's as a young child have been relaunched this year.

Ive had to buy my young son one for christmas purely for the fact that i spent hours playing with them n guess what no batteries
2006-11-15 10:57:46 UTC
Mr Men and Little Miss, Loopy Loops or Scooby Doos those plastic shoe laces that you use some serious origami skills to make a key fob or some other fancy ornament.

How about sweets? Black-jacks, Mojos, Fruit salad, Dolly Mixtures, Liquorice Allsorts, Bootlaces etc etc
2006-11-20 11:26:59 UTC
well i did spot in an department store an Rubik's cube, god they were annoyingly fun, and how many people would either peel off the stickers or pull off the cubes and put it together again so they could show their friends how good they were at doing it.

The other thing that annoyed me were those smart necks who would come on National TV, and show that "Tarquin aged 13 can do the Rubik's cube in 13.5 seconds" where as most people threw it at the wall after 13 hours
2006-11-16 12:29:11 UTC
The rubix cube and old game stations like the Sega Master System/ Atari / Sega Megadrive.

Also Ive noticed that Tartan is back in fashion yet
Chimera's Song
2006-11-19 19:12:03 UTC
Old pop groups reforming , such as Take That and All Saints.

Remakes of old films. Such as King Kong, the Fantastic Four, Spiderman, batman, Superman, Stepford Wives and so on.
2006-11-20 13:11:04 UTC
Crape soles and Cuban heels seem to be all the rage again.

Medallions. Really, really big flared trousers. Pink work shirts (?). Large soled shoes. Tattoos. Thongs and hipsters when you're obese. More lights than car...

I'm looking forward to next years 80's big hair and spandex... Woo hoo!
2006-11-20 15:52:03 UTC
My granddaughter, Jodie, who is seven came over last weekend and said she has found a "new" way of skipping...called french skipping done with elastic. I was born in 1952 and we used to tie elastic bands together and do it then. Maybe it's always been around but it's new to Jodie!

P.S. Prawn cocktail is making a comeback too.
2006-11-20 02:57:05 UTC
Trolls and My Little Ponies....they did try to bring back Cabaage Patch Kids last year, but I don't think they've been that successful. Maybe kids today are more aware of the fact that they look terrifyingly scary. (I was always convinced that mine would come to life if I did not look after her properly) I guess the fact that my kids are playing with stuff that I played with as a kid makes me feel old...

Although......Lego still rules and will always do so!
2006-11-17 13:23:07 UTC
Hmmmm...let's see....people wearing trousers with a skirt on top...whats that all about anyway!?

Erm, people seem to enjoy those virtual pet thingies, although they have them on a slightly more advanced level now, like on the Nintendo DS....

Really random hairstyles, like the I just woke up look, that seems to be rather popular again, with ladies AND gentleman.

And stripy and polka dotted clothes...again I must ask what IS that all about!?!?!?!

Things all come around again though don't they...and the people who start these things think they are the first person to ever do it!!

How amusing...
2006-11-20 06:10:40 UTC
The use of large headphones on the train or buses (thankfully) as a backlash to the tinny headphones supplied by Mp3 players. The sound quality is better and I've seen more than one person risk looking like a geek in the name of good listening.
2006-11-18 12:48:53 UTC
Yo-yo's! My boyfriend's younger brother's both have them and they are apparently all the rage in the playground at the moment. I was trying to remember how to do the walk the dog trick. I failed miserably and showed my age more than ever.
2006-11-16 02:40:40 UTC
Knitting. It's not just for oldies anymore - everyone is doing it from celebrities to fashion-conscious teenagers and kids at school, and gone are the boring balls of thick bog-standard wool in five different shades, now knitting shops and online stores are jam packed with a huge selection of weird and wonderful yarns from all over the world in an array of colours and textures. In the last two years, the only knitting magazine in the UK has gone from bimonthly to monthly and now three others are on sale in the shops, plus National Knitting Week now takes place every year in October across the UK. It has totally changed from frumpy to funky!
2006-11-15 10:38:48 UTC
Space hoppers made a comeback for a while.. Big, cool and orange. Just looking at them made you happy. But it was never really going to catch on again... Mates had them in their flats but it wasn't like you were going to be able to jump to work through rush hour traffic!

Slightly more sensible... I've noticed how fashion usually makes it's way back around. A friend recently remarked how gutted she was to have chucked her leopard-print shoes only months ago, and now all of a sudden they are back in fashion! Maybe this teaches us ladies never to bin any clothes... Just buy bigger wardrobes.
2016-11-25 02:05:12 UTC
ignore about with regard to the above poster. No it' gained't prepare you a thanks to diminish weight round your stomache. you isn't waiting to purpose your weight relief like that, it occurs from throughout the time of your body (not really one section). you're prepared to burn minemal power hula hooping, regardless of no matter if that's large for procuring better your center (therefor tightening the section round it, that can be the stomache).
2006-11-20 12:04:41 UTC
I work at a school, mandsome of the trends this year in the playgroundhave been:

Scoobies - the lil plastic strings, which the kids plait together.

Cats Cradle - fun with string!!

Finger knitting - more fun with string, make bracelets and stuff.
2006-11-18 07:53:02 UTC
Accidents such as losing teeth from hula hooping round the neck.
2006-11-17 16:53:03 UTC
Scoobiedoo (those strings that you use to make key rings and all sorts of useless junk!)

Jacks (remember them?). I suppose they look like X's with an extra bit at each end plus a small, rubber ball. I came across my niece playing with them the other day

Retro clothing (50s, 60s and 70s style) in bright colours

And, of course, lava lamps and fibre optic lamps...
michael s
2006-11-16 02:13:55 UTC
Roller discos.....becoming a big thing in south london..... and many things eighties.....the yorkshire flatcap will be big autumn winter 2007/08....oh and a strange fabric called cupro looks and feels like silk but half the cost....its already fast selling in several major retailors!!
2006-11-20 11:23:19 UTC
Leg warmers

Ra Ra Skirts



Callakers - Balls on string, hurt like hell

Re makes of Films

Re makes of songs

Tank tops

I think that covers it!
2006-11-16 11:06:00 UTC
I have laughed at my daughters who are "Oh so fashionable"wearing leggings/footless tights/leg warmers and long baggy tops that cover the hips. All around in the seventies when I was a followerer of fashion teen! lol
fuck off
2006-11-20 15:07:11 UTC
I dont know if its making a comeback, but do you remember the whip and top? I remember all of us whipping the hell out of this poor little top just to keen it spinning on the ground. I couldnt do it now I would be cream crackered in no time!
Ice Queen
2006-11-20 05:10:56 UTC
Rubick cube. Lordy never thought that would come back.

I hope they put the Water Margin back on the telly and I will be 8 again!
michelle p
2006-11-18 15:17:31 UTC
The old arcade games like PacMan and Space Invaders
Claire U.K
2006-11-20 10:11:26 UTC
Good old fashion playground games like hopscotch, elastics, and double-dutch SHOULD make a comeback, and whatever happened to walking round the playground with your arms round your mates shoulders shouting who wants to play .............? usually leaving about 5 minutes left to play whatever it was (or was that just my school)
2006-11-20 05:12:28 UTC
not noticed much coming back in fashion but what happened to conkers this year - when i was in school ages ago (left in 1986) the lads where always collecting conkers and having matches every breaktime and dinner time

Hi Jamie...
2006-11-16 15:33:20 UTC
pogo sticks

80's fashions are back


i am 57 and still have and use my hula hoop

have taught over the years my kids

nieces and nephews and all the kids on my street to use it

get fun and exercise
2006-11-16 13:05:37 UTC
I find it very scary that leggings are back in fashion, albeit rebranded as 'footless tights'. Personally, I'm not sure that Madonna in 'Desperately Seeking Susan' has ever been a good look!
Steven W
2006-11-15 10:30:58 UTC
Clackers !!! but were banned the first time around. To many broken fingers !!!

Space hopper !!!

Roller Skates !!

Oh and the Leg Warmers.

And wide glasses like Dierdre's from Coronation Street.

Have you seen the size of some of those sun glasses today !!
2006-11-20 07:41:18 UTC
Tight jeans. And the dirty 80's hair styles. And seventies music. what else? I think everythings repeating over and over again, in some way or the other, but there is always something new added to it. (look at the indie scene...)
2006-11-20 06:48:15 UTC
Magners Cider.
2006-11-16 08:27:24 UTC
Does anyone remember Blocker Boots? The were like normal shoes but raised on multicoloured verticle peices of dowling rod?
2006-11-16 03:33:51 UTC
I think everything will eventually come back after fifteen years! I guess people just run out of New ideas!!

But i love the heart breakfast show!

Say hi to Harriot 4 me! cheers!
adams girl
2006-11-20 06:16:54 UTC
When i was about seven there was a huge yoyo craze, everyone was doing all the different tricks like the old "walk the dog" and "round the world" that was good stuff! I think that wouldbe a good comeback.
2006-11-15 13:56:07 UTC
Its got to be clackers, illuminous socks (odd ones of course), dodgy designer stubble and bouffant haircuts, we could have "tony says" T-shirts instead of "Frankie says", oh the list is endless, lol. Oh yeah and either Chopper bikes or good old eighties Grifters. The new games consol is a 70's atari but the rubix cube is banned and you have to trade your new PC for a Zx spectrum.
2006-11-20 08:08:35 UTC
Id have to say ripped jeans , clothes in general keep changing trends.
2006-11-19 17:04:34 UTC
I have seen pixie boot's (although there not called that now!), leggings (aaarrrggghhh), foot-less tights (why?), skin tight jeans (alright for some), bat-wing tops (good god) & converse boots.

My Little Ponys, Cabbage patch kids, care bears...& last but not least, everyones fav...............Knight Rider!!!!

Hope these help ya, oh & well done champ!!
2006-11-16 11:50:22 UTC
2006-11-16 09:15:39 UTC
I've noticed leg-warmers, gyro spheres and certainly the saddest sport in the history of time Rubik cubes
2006-11-20 03:30:27 UTC
I prefer Pringles--and could easily be the Pringling champion of Exeter.
forge close folks
2006-11-18 02:43:51 UTC
Visiting women of the night, you could put good use of your hula hooping skills to practice....
2006-11-16 04:49:31 UTC
My daughter is into everything Dr Who which i loved as a child.Up until Tom Baker of course.
2006-11-20 09:31:24 UTC
I remember quite a few years ago when YOYOs made a come back. So much so that they were banned in our school coz they were such a destraction.
2006-11-20 10:59:43 UTC
Everything 60's in the fashion world.

Old granny's coat patterns that I wouldn't be seen dead wearing, even if they are in fashion. Thats just personal choice though...I hate them!!!
vicky s
2006-11-18 13:43:29 UTC
What i have seen in toys that have made a big come back is care bears and trolls with the big colourful hair they are so ugly but cute with it lol!!!!!
2006-11-16 15:48:00 UTC
I saw someone hopping around Leeds on a big orange spacehopper just yesterday! Not sure if it was his usual mode of transport or if he was just showing off!!
2006-11-16 10:30:38 UTC
I have just bought a Rubik's cube for my 10 year old son (he asked for one!) for Christmas and cant wait to have a go...not that I could do it the first time around!
2006-11-20 03:32:01 UTC
i have noticed the platform is making a slow crawl back the highest on shoes are getting bigger and the big hair styles are coming back also.oh happy days
2006-11-16 16:12:22 UTC
love the retro fashion thing for myself

and is so funny seeing kids trying rubix cube - i remember hating mine so much (parents thought it would be good for my hand-eye co-ordination!) that i jemmied it apart with a screwdriver and put it back in the right way. Never did solve it!
2006-11-18 11:16:32 UTC
Leggings-urgh!!! Animal Print!!!
2006-11-17 09:09:00 UTC
Prawn Cocktails - in swanky restaurants but with jazzed up names like "Retro Crayfish Cocktail"...... not to mention Steak Diane making a come back as well!
2006-11-16 02:26:32 UTC
Hi Jamie, can i just tell u iv always had a crush on u?!

anyway, do u remember a while back children used to be mad over them alien babies you can buy? They come in a plastic egg and are all gungy and it was thought (wrongly obviously!) that they could lay babies! Well I think they are back as iv seen lots of kids with them again, oh and playing with conkers, definitely!
2006-11-18 03:59:37 UTC
well doctor who has all ready made a come back in my eyes if it was fun the first time round it will be so much better the second time.

ohh finger less gloves making a come back cant wait
2006-11-16 01:46:21 UTC
Being stick thin like a pole and not round like a hoop!
2006-11-20 12:53:02 UTC
I just got my son a space hopper for christmas. He is 13 so had to get the adult size. However, he is an oly child so no fun hopping on your own so got one for me too.....hahahahaha...cant wait to race him down the garden.
2006-11-20 05:21:33 UTC
Rubik cube
helen g
2006-11-15 13:32:54 UTC
Clarks have brought back a shoe range that hasn't been produced since the 1970's. Seriously, they have just, for some reason decided to bring them back
2006-11-21 03:08:32 UTC
Top trump cards! Simple but great!
2006-11-18 06:59:05 UTC
I would love to see the thing cant remember its name that was a coloured air ball with a disk on, you held the air ball between your feet and stood on the disk and jumped!!
2006-11-15 10:32:50 UTC
I noticed that leg-warmers, lacy Victoriana blouses and puff ball skirts have been making a comeback in terms of fashion.

I'm just waiting for the flick - remember a la Michelle in Eastenders and Daisy in Dukes of Hazards!

Ah darn, I can't wait til then I think I'll do the do tomorrow for work!!!
2006-11-20 04:44:24 UTC
Well,I seem to see leggings under every dress and skirt around!! That's pretty 1980's!!!
Freak of nature
2006-11-19 17:50:34 UTC
Roller Blading!!!! Didnt we fall flat on out tushes enough first time round????
2006-11-19 15:00:46 UTC
roller skates, still cool. Chopper bikes always wanted one as a kid and was delighted when my daughter asked for one earlier this year (yes i had a go on it)
2006-11-17 02:50:08 UTC
yo-yo' are going to be the next big craze again!

(not the biscuits, the toys)

yo-yo's are fun but get a bit boring, i'm a bit up and down regarding them, same with see-saws!
2006-11-15 13:37:16 UTC
Hop Scotch & Skipping with and without a Skipping rope (well, my daughter & her friends do - don't know if that passes as a comeback)
2006-11-15 10:34:10 UTC
Well, maybe it's been around for a year or so now but there seem to be more and more women wearing these horrendous 80's style leg-warmers. Honestly, it's awful and it makes you look like you're on your way to audition for Fame the Musical...
2006-11-20 05:09:30 UTC
Smoking, Drinking, Drugs, Crime (generally) & Racism
2006-11-17 07:37:37 UTC

They weren't good for more than exercising in back in the 70's/80's and they ain't good for anything now.

Those trainers with rollerskates are back in fashion.... what's all the fuss about?
2006-11-16 02:11:29 UTC
Supermousse - those frozen dessert thingies!! Raspberry Ripple was my favourite!
2006-11-20 11:50:04 UTC
Children are playing Hopscotch where I live, these are five year olds and upwards.
2006-11-17 12:23:32 UTC
Turntables to play vinyl records
2006-11-16 02:06:06 UTC
skinny jeans, Plimsoles, take that, allsaints, 80s style clothes! xx
2006-11-16 07:20:22 UTC
fluro clothing and roller skating - 'Maidenhead roller' 25 year anniversary!!! shout out to the boulters leaders
2006-11-16 06:34:56 UTC
Being broke, not since the thatcher years has this happened.
Dancer and prancer
2006-11-15 10:46:37 UTC
Old computer games such as Atari... They are suddenly cool and cost a fortune!

Ballroom dancing also is suddenly seen as the in-thing. Classes are popping up all over thanks to Saturday night TV.
2006-11-16 13:24:14 UTC
Spacehoppers and conker competitions seems the politicaly correct havent managed to ban conkers after all "YEAH"
2006-11-18 13:19:38 UTC
Leggings. And Conservatives - yuck!
2006-11-17 13:41:48 UTC
Dreadful frocks and coats that we wore in the sixties and seventies. My friend and I have a good giggle when we see girls wearing them do they realise how daft they look?
2006-11-17 10:43:29 UTC
let's hope Beanie Bear's make a comeback as I have 3 box full in my garage.
2006-11-20 07:39:24 UTC
ill tell ya what...Dr Whos made a good comeback lol
2006-11-20 06:35:43 UTC
Skipping, Has drove me mad lately im sure my son thinks im 7 also
susie boz
2006-11-20 02:24:55 UTC
They've got man-size spacehoppers in woolies!
2006-11-16 05:51:54 UTC
Space hoppers were the coolest thing ever! Although unfortunatly they don't make them adult size :(
2006-11-20 12:06:44 UTC
pixie boots i remember them and had a grey pair in the 80s , showing my age now , but i wish id have kept them knowing theyd be in and saveing myself some money .....
2006-11-18 14:08:55 UTC
yo yo's are big in scotland at the moment also marbles my two kids have marbles all over the house !
2006-11-17 02:47:25 UTC
Space hoppers!!! - how cool are they?

I had them on my hen night - we all had to hop from pub to pub and, you had an instant seat when you got there!!!
2006-11-19 23:41:19 UTC
Skinny jeans (Drainpipes)!

Rubik's cube

2006-11-17 12:35:36 UTC
I have heard that vinyl is making a big comeback
2006-11-17 10:38:44 UTC
Gloves and Hats
2006-11-20 04:38:22 UTC
well i used to love pogo sticks space hoppers and lolo board

so i would love to see them come back they are such fun
2006-11-17 05:52:14 UTC
its got to be leggings for me i remember my mum putting them on me when i was younger with big white knee length socks all scrunched down to the ankles, oh my god how embarrassing that is now lol.
2006-11-17 03:27:55 UTC
My kids and their friends have been drawing hopscotch grids in the backyard recently.
2006-11-15 14:50:34 UTC
If you walk around outside boozers at chucking out time I believe vomiting is a big thing. Oh sorry I thought that read regurgence
2006-11-19 04:22:31 UTC
oh my god,, jamie theakston, wow!!!1 hi jamie!!XX. anyway to answer your question my son and his mates are mad for walkie talkies at the moment, only cause none of them will do chores to earn credit for their mobiles lol
2006-11-17 09:07:26 UTC
2006-11-16 03:17:38 UTC
the biker mice from mars cartoon!!!

and rubiks cubes
2006-11-15 16:02:35 UTC
Cartoons from my childhood like the turtles and the raccoons.

Mullets-Why why why oh why

2006-11-16 01:53:43 UTC
Yup,clackers it's true!...but also one of the most detestful ones...tamagotchies !! Arrgghhh
2006-11-20 12:49:34 UTC
The Beatles, I hope, with the publication of the Love album.
2006-11-16 01:52:15 UTC
Puff ball skirts! Why would you want to look like a puff ball? They were not that great the first time around.
2006-11-15 10:33:09 UTC
Those little tamagotchi pets! Kids love them!
lil one
2006-11-18 09:35:26 UTC
Ladies wearing leggings.

Everyone seems to wearing them again.
2006-11-19 01:04:29 UTC
leggings..... unfortunately. same we cant go back to the 80 s
2006-11-15 14:30:39 UTC
dreadful patterns in curtains and cushions, all stripes and circles............the 70's were bad enough the first time.......hoola hoops were great though,i still can after all these years
2006-11-16 01:21:52 UTC
football cards/stickers for kids, swapsies in the playground ... or maybe they never went away!
Dave K
2006-11-17 08:06:30 UTC
idiots thinkin that it is acceptable to stop on double yellows as long as they have their hazard lights on!
2006-11-15 10:39:15 UTC
Everything to do with jeans!!

Jeans worn with colourful belts and flarey jeans.
Natasha B
2006-11-20 05:08:02 UTC
tight pants
2006-11-17 07:17:00 UTC
discussing whether or not faded, second rate TV presenters really do have small todgers as is rumoured!
susie ooozzz
2006-11-17 02:06:38 UTC
rollerskates, leg warmers
selma b
2006-11-20 13:09:18 UTC
hip-huggers only now they are called lowriders
2006-11-17 08:36:11 UTC
rollerskating especially those that look like trainers
2006-11-20 08:33:19 UTC
the flat top hair cut
2006-11-17 14:16:29 UTC
leg warmers- very cool, well warm actually
2006-11-15 13:46:42 UTC
rubix cube (although a LOT more expensive)
2006-11-15 10:37:33 UTC
roller skating?
Car Park Control
2006-11-15 16:20:17 UTC
2006-11-15 10:34:13 UTC
2006-11-18 12:28:57 UTC
Saucy B
2006-11-16 07:34:23 UTC
leotard and dance classes - thanks Madonna - NOT!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.