Dungeons and Dragons at 20 years old? That's not hardly lame (sorry, but I must correct your spelling).
I learned Dungeons and Dragons in the late 1970s from a University Student who learned it and special rules they developed together at CalTech (The California Institute of Technology is a prestigious Science-Magnet Private University in Pasadena, California).
Lets remember that the late 70's was before the printing of Greyhawk, well before the invention of "Advanced" Dungeons and Dragons. All that existed back then was the 3 volume boxed set and anything the players could agree upon. There were a lot of agreements among the gamers at CalTech and the rules they came up with were stored on a CalTech computer in four files: rules.1 rules.2 rules.3 and rules.4.
I may have a printed copy of those still around in my storage, on green-bar paper. One former CalTech student published the rules as "Warlock" and later withdrew the publication out of concern for copyright infringement.
I have friends who play Dungeons and Dragons weekly in their fourties. I prefer to dance than play, but I play online in "MUD"s (Multi-User Dungeons).
Would you rather put on costumes and armor and re-create history (or fantasy) rather than fantacise about it?