Any ideas for a rained out pool party?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Any ideas for a rained out pool party?
407 answers:
fred h
2007-05-29 12:22:11 UTC
heck, go head and have the pool party, unless there is lightening involved. It's all water anyway, what's the difference.
2007-05-29 07:42:57 UTC
Have a dance party inside with popular music and chips and soda!

Kids love dance parties, and I think everyone will leave having a great time!

Good luck and hope I helped!
2007-05-29 13:00:15 UTC
If the temp stays warm enough and there is no lightning involved, I would probably just let the kids continue their pool party. My kids love any opportunity to go play in the rain, pool or not. You might find they enjoy splashing in puddles and getting rained on even more than swimming in the pool. You might want to keep them off of the diving board if you have one, though. It will be more slippery in rain.

If you'd rather take the kids indoors or under cover, consider cheap crafts or games you already own. There are lots of crafts you can do with common household items and you can find ideas and recipes online or buy a book like the "Kid Concoction" series.

Salt dough is a fantastic item that kids love and you can make all kinds of neat things with. Just bake the items in the oven to set them or send them home with instructions for their own parents to bake them. There are loads of free salt dough recipes online and you probably already have the ingredients. If you don't, the ingredients are about as cheap as craft items can get.

You can find party and craft ideas here:

There are lots of party games you can play without buying anything. There's 7up, charades, pictionary (ok, you'll need pencil and paper), etc. You can probably find instructions for these and a number of other games online.

Depending on your group, a pizza and video party might be just as fun as a pool party. Good luck!
2007-05-29 12:45:46 UTC
if it's warm enough and if there is no thunderstorms, turn it into an event. Set up slip and slides, do competitive activities that the rain will make difficult, the pool of activities are immense if you think about it.

When activities are done, everyone retires to the house for the cake and food. Just don't forget to tell everyone to bring another set of clothes.
PKMN Player
2007-05-29 07:46:06 UTC
Play a nice video that everyone will like, or have some games for them, maybe DDR so they can dance together and have fun. Some board games and other activities that involve everyone playing together is also good. Also be sure to have plenty of snacks and drinks for them.
2007-05-29 07:43:34 UTC
Absolutely, Rent a good Video and let them make popcorn and play the game twister.
2007-05-29 12:27:58 UTC
Depending on the age of your daughter, you have so many options! Have a dance party, a movie, games, or crafts. All of which can be done indoors! However, you could also have the pool party outdoors as long as there is no lightning or thunder! Hope I helped! Good luck :)
2007-05-29 12:30:37 UTC

they get went anyways

just keepp food and crap inside....let the kids have fun in the rain and swim

u cant get sick b/c of being in da rain

its a proven fact
David W
2007-05-29 13:48:30 UTC
Only real way to rain out a pool party is if there is lightning. They can still swim in the rain. If you don't want to do this, there are many options depending on age. I would recommend getting some inexpensive little digital cameras. You can get them for about $15. Get one or two depending on what you want to spend. You can do several things with them. You can do a photo scavanger hunt. If it is for girls, you could make it like an American's Next Top Model and be a photo shoot. Little boys could dress up like super heroes or cowboys or something and you could take their pictures. You could put together a little story line using each of the kids. Take pictures of each scene. You can then make it into a little comic book. Fun activity and something the kids will remember when they look back at their own personal comic book with their friends.
2007-05-30 18:12:04 UTC
OK. Depending on ages you could do a multiple of things. I am only 19, so it was only a few years back when I was a teen!~

My first thought is tell everyone to bring their swimsuits anyways because weather men are not always rights and it could only rain for 10 minutes then be bright and shinny for the rest of the day. Now unless it is lightning/thunderstorming you could still have a party in the rain and set up slip and slde, or if you have a large yard let them do mub wreslting. Girls loves stuff like that, and especially if she is a preteen it will be 'cute' for the little boys and girls... being a flirty! I know this is probably not whta you want to hear!! lol

If it is raining/lightning ect. You could put up black sheets or cover the windows to the house in a few rooms. The basement would work best if you have one. Get a few blacklights and buys packs of highlighters. (2 per person) Tell everyone to wear an old white shirt.. Turn out all the lights and have a danicng highlighter party! SOOOO FUN! I had one for my 14 B-day and it was a blast! And entertaining.

Another option: I would do a fun scavenger hunt. If you have parent s taht are going to be there, have a couple volunteers drive and give each team a list of things to get. IE. A roll of toilet paper, lipstick, a boys number)

If she is younger you oculd do a dance party theme. Maybe an 80's party... and even if they arent dressed up you can give the girls some old makeup a few brushes and some hairspray and let them deck themselves out 80's style. The guys can get gelled up and they can dp fun 80's dances and eat food! What more can a kid love.?

Younger: Set up games, games, games..... Instead of cake have cookies and let them decorate them at opne table... then at another table or area have dress up, then at another do a fun interactive game like twister.

And def a sleep over..... Set back the party a few hours later, if the weather is going to be horrible and let the girls do things they love. Kick the boys out by a certain time and girls love nothing more than watching movies/gossiping/popcorn/and candy!

Have fun!
2007-05-31 15:59:23 UTC
I Say You Go ahead With The Pool Party!!!! They're Are Going To Get Wet Anyways Right!!! Of Course If There Is Lightning Expected Then I Would Recommend Moving It Indoors, But I've Had A Pool Party That Got Rained On And It Was The Best Pool Party I've Ever Had. You Might Also Run This Through The Children's Parents, Some Of Them Might Not Like The Idea!!! Also You Might Want To Set Up A Dry Area Like In A Corner For Some That Don't Want To Get Wet!!!

Well I Wish You Good Luck!

And A Happy Birthday To Your Daughter
2007-05-30 12:15:37 UTC
Start by making some phone calls to find an indoor pool somewhere and move it there if they want to swim. Or turn it into a skating party instead. Guess it depends if you have a skating or roller rink close by. Maybe the parents can help pay half the cost by just providing the entrance fee and the party goes on. Or go ahead with the pool party and once it starts raining end it inside with movies,games and other activities. Hope this helps. I only know what my sister-in-law would do. She has been very creative when things happen that way. I have nieces and nephews from age 16 to age 5.
2007-05-30 06:24:02 UTC
I've found myself in that situation many times, especially here in Florida. While most people say they live here for the sunny weather, it can turn on a dime and that's why unless I'm 100% positive it will be nice weather, I plan my parties to be half and half. Half inside (& if its nice) the other half outside.

Now, regarding your dilema...Is there any chance of lightning? The reason I ask is because rain is just annoying, but lightning can kill! If you are sure there isnt any then perhaps you could rent or buy (they're really not that pricey & can be used over & over) a large event tent, you know the kind you sometimes see in outdoor weddings. If your pool is small enough, or if you get a big enough sized one you could stradle it across your pool.

Regarding fun "indoor" games, I've found that lots of finger foods (sandwiches, pizza, chips, etc) is key. Give kids something to look forward to so they don't blaze through everything and then say they are bored! Pinatas are always a blast for kids to look forward to, especially if you set it up with a pulley that an adult can raise or lower as the kids are swinging at it to make it more challenging. The internet is a great place to find cheap and easy activities, like pin the tail on the donkey, etc. Finally a good kids movie positioned that everyone can see is always a good "Plan B", for some reason ( I know it's kind of old but) "Ms. Doubtfire" is always a kids favorite and it has enough plot to make the kids enjoy it, but also not get too rowdy.

Good luck!
Esther J
2007-06-01 03:21:38 UTC
Well I agree with some of the entries as to go ahead and have the pool party anyway! If Safe!

But if this is not an option for you, then have an indoor treasure hunt! It is so much fun!!!!

You make a map and make it slightly hard for that appropriate age you are doing this for! The fun is in the challenge!

And either a deck of cards or colored markers with directions to the next hint.. Until it finally leads to the treasure.. You can even have small treasures along the way for multiple winners.

Also by using a deck of cards... you can have certain cards represent certain prizes!

If you have them watch a movie... make it a theater style!

Darken the room, have paper bags with pop corn, drinks and what ever you are feeding them for lunch. Have each child come and pick up their movie snack pack and have a seat.. at least while they are eating they can watch a movie.. and the movie should be something unique but fun. But before this happens.. have them take their shoes off and put them in the garage.. While they are watching the movie... you fill their shoes with goodies! So later when they go to get thier shoes they have a surprise!

And the best interactive game that seems to work well is pictionary! Get a grease board and a couple of markers and two teams.. Works great!

Good luck!
2014-06-20 19:16:44 UTC
Well You Can Never Predict Mother Nature So Cant Know For Sure That It Will Get Rained Out. Anyway you should have a back up plan just incase. If your daughter is a teen I suggest you have a dance party. Invite all the kids as planned and play there favorite music. If they are smaller kids (below age 10) let them just party around the house. You really don't have to have a planned idea. Just buy snacks and drinks. Trust me they will find something to do on their own. Now if they are babies/toddlers this will be harder. In that case you can play a TV show or a movie for them.
2007-06-02 15:53:51 UTC
This weekend? Ouch. First things first, call the parents of the children attending to let them know about the change of plans. I have come up with a list of ideas for your party.

1. Dance party

2. Board game day

3. Movie night

4. Party coral (yee-haw!)

5. Spa day

6. 50's party

7. Rock-star-for-a-day party

8. Tea party

9. Inside beach party

10. Disco party

11. Cooking party (bake cupcakes, cookies, etc. but be prepared to clean up)

12. Medieval party

13. Pirate party (yaarr, matey!)

14. Indoor picnic party

15. Princess party

16. "Topsy Turvy" party (mismatched clothes and activities)

17. Talent show party

18. Spooky party

19. Horse party

20. Underwater party

21. Lego party

22. Magic party

23. Hair fun party

24. Good ol' slumber party

25. Pet party (using stuffed animals)

26. Card game party

27. Learn-how-to party

28. Circus party

29.Inside Luau

30. American Idol Party

31. Dress-up party

32. Fashion show

33. On-the-red-carpet party

34. Ballet party

35. Superhero party

36. Make a pizza party

37. Starwars party

38. Harry Potter party

39. Fiesta

40. Safari party

41. Cheerleader party

42. Willie Wonka party

43. Pretty in pink party

44. Doll and Me party

45. Hannah Montana partyjavascript:void(0);

Check Spelling

46. Disney Princess party

47. Surprise party

48. Sponge Bob party

49. Makeup party

50. Stay at the pool if there isn't a storm

If you need more elaboration on the ideas e-mail me at
2007-05-30 09:26:13 UTC
I've been there. Our house is small and so I had planned for 15 kids to pIay outdoors for the party time and had lots of games. Unfortunately, it was a downpour so there was no chance of spending time outdoors and no the kids did not want to be out in the rain as it also turned cold.

So, at the last minute, I was stuck indoors in a 15x20 living room with 15 kids - all very wound up and wanting to do some activity games.

Here is what I did, since the kids were here for 6 hours....

I bought a huge paper towel napkin runner, you know the type of runner you use to cover banquet tables and also bought a LOT of crayons. I laid it out and the kids all colored a mural about the story I read (I read Dinotopia to them).

We made some arts and crafts they could take something fun home.

I took a vote on their favorite video (all but 1 voted for the same movie and she reluctantly agreed) and they were jumping up and down when the movie came. So, I popped some popcorn in the microwave and everyone watched "Space Jam" (this happened a few years ago).

We also played some games that used up some pent up energy. They had come prepared to have a game night and so I had to pick some active games they could play in a small space.

Here are some websites to help you with some activity game ideas.
Kat Lover!
2007-05-29 19:31:30 UTC
If your daughter likes, or really wants to swim, or have a pool party there would be always an indoor pool! Or you can have a second choice, you can see a movie, going to a camping place is freate for girls and boys, parents may help you, but as you said it would rain so going outside is actualy a bad Idea... Lets think, when I have friend we usualy turn the light off and try to build a home from chairs and... Games like Monopoly, Game of life, Uno are always great for having fun, escpecialy this days, there is creapy ones goggie ones.... Videi games is not the best option, but you can do turns, like a group playing this game the other groub is..... But boys love video gams so if they don't like the family games they would love to... You may think it's weird but I'm kind of big for that but it's fun! You may do silly playes, for example Romeo and juliet in the future way (Romeo and juliette is just an example)! If they are all girls it would be cool ig they shear stories, or build stuff... Hope this answere would be helpfull!
2007-05-31 19:00:39 UTC
Try and get a Nintendo Wii if you don't have one or borrow a friend's Wii and get some extra controllers. Have everyone come over and take turns playing Wii while you have a huge party. When the person who comes out fourth out of the game has to pass the controller to someone. Pass out drinks and snacks and the party will sure be a blast. Nintendo Wii is basically a game system with motion sensor technology. For example when you swing the contoller like a bat, the character in the game does the same. This can make any party great. I tried it once when my friend's party was starting to go downhill I brought out the Wii and went to the videostore really quick to rent some game and luckily we had 4 controller. The party was a BLAST and everyone enjoyed it. Even my friend's parents were playing!!!!!:D

You can try these fun Wii games

Wii Sports

Wii Play

Warioware Smooth Moves

Super Mario Party for the Wii

These games are meant for the whole family and are appropriate and fun enough for the whole family!!!
2007-05-30 18:53:00 UTC
Set up various board games and bring some decks of cards. There's a game called Mafia that you could play which would include all 15. You pick 3 or 4 to be members of the mafia. You pick one to be the savior, who can save one person each round. The rest of the people are townspeople. There is a murder every round and the townspeople all vote on who is the mafia. Whoever they pick is eliminated from the group and the object of the game is to find all the members before they kill the whole town. If the savior is voted out, he can still save someone each round. It just can't be himself anymore. You also pick one person to be the narrator to describe how the murder happened. That makes the game interesting but only if you pick someone that's creative. You could show a movie too if you wanted or take the guests to the bowling alley or somewhere else if that's possible. You could also play grog, which is a fancy version of hide-and-seek in the dark. The grog takes apart a flashlight and hides the parts around the house. The rest of the people look for the flashlight and shine it in his eyes to kill him once the flashlight is all apart. Of course, if the grog tags the person holding the flashlight before it's put together, he takes the flashlight back and hides the pieces again. Once the grog is dead, you pick someone new and play again. Twister is a fun game too. Just be creative. You'll figure something out.
2007-06-01 11:30:29 UTC
I'm a kid and this has happened to me before , and my 8th annual pool party is coming up with that, (so this is all based on my experience) videos will get old and half way thru some kids will not want to sit still that long and watch a video, pop corn is a good idea though, music is also worked befor i went to my room and put on some popular music and everyone liked it, and the music was playing, we where indoors, and we had food and drinks there kids so they just kinda for me i have a 2 story house they stayed up strairs i have a bunch of games , some people danced , some played games, you should put out a variety of things to do becuase depending on age they probably will not want to stay in one place very long hope this helps and i hope your party goes well, good luck
2007-05-29 14:46:17 UTC
This same thing happened to us this past weekend for my son's sixth birthday party. We ended up indoors with seven kids, in a somewhat small condo. We had games - old standbys like pin the tail on the donkey and twister, and a new addition - Guitar Hero! The older kids loved it! If you have a Playstation 2 or X-Box 360, think about investing in this game.

If you want, you can still bring the pool theme indoors by having a luau theme. The girls can wear hula skirts and play limbo and dance to fun beach tunes. You can't go wrong with some Jimmy Buffet tunes!
2014-10-29 17:53:52 UTC
If it is raining/lightning ect. You could put up black sheets or cover the windows to the house in a few rooms. The basement would work best if you have one. Get a few blacklights and buys packs of highlighters. (2 per person) Tell everyone to wear an old white shirt.. Turn out all the lights and have a danicng highlighter party! SOOOO FUN! I had one for my 14 B-day and it was a blast! And entertaining.

Another option: I would do a fun scavenger hunt. If you have parent s taht are going to be there, have a couple volunteers drive and give each team a list of things to get. IE. A roll of t
old lady
2007-05-30 19:26:36 UTC
Okay -- let's take another look at this. What happens at a pool party? Everyone gets wet. What happens when it rains? Everyone gets wet. What's wrong with having a pool party in the rain? The kids can still play water volleyball, swim, and mess around for a while, then come in, get dry, and head for the eats. After that, put on a little music and let them dance.

In fact, swimming in the rain is sort of neat.....
2007-05-30 18:00:54 UTC
Put a kiddie pool in the garage, hook up the sprinkler and have the party as planned. As long as there's not lightening just let the kids get wet! Use your "mudroom" or a portion of your garage closest to the door as a drying off pad and if possible use 1/2 of the garage for a picnic table, balloons, cake and gift station, etc. Kids could play games upon arrival indoors and maybe even eat hot dogs, etc. Then, head outside until just before pick up. Good luck.
2014-11-17 19:25:59 UTC
and it could only rain for 10 minutes then be bright and shinny for the rest of the day. Now unless it is lightning/thunderstorming you could still have a party in the rain and set up slip and slde, or if you have a large yard let them do mub wreslting. Girls loves stuff like that, and especially if she is a preteen it will be 'cute' for the little boys and girls... being a flirty! I know this is probably not whta you want to hear!! lol

If it is raining/lightning ect. You could put up black sheets or cover the windows to the house in a few rooms. The basement would work best if you have one. Get a few blacklights and buys packs of highlighters. (2 per person) Tell everyone to wear an old w
2014-08-29 01:59:57 UTC
You're supposed to get wet so why should rain hinder that? Plus, it's fun to play in the rain. A storm is a different story. Get a Nintendo Wii and have them play that in the living room. That occupied my 9 year old sister and her 14 friends on her birthday, especially the sports games like bowling (whereas real bowling on a birthday is expensive). Movies tend to be not really interactive. There's usually plenty of little party game books or things you can pick up at the party store.
2007-05-31 09:56:52 UTC
darling well you cannot really take a pool inside so I would advise a slumber party instead with food and games for the whole caboodle.. When I was a little girl slumber parties were the bomb. You can set up a little tent and get scary story books and have her friends engage in some story telling...

Of course you could also have like a makeover party where either you do their makeup or they do their own they can get all prettied up and and that would be fun as well.

A very fun game for me (even now) was pulling out of the hat. Everyone sits down writes either crazy or funny suggestions and puts them in the hat after that you each take turns pulling out of the hat and performing the requests. You can take pictures and remember it forever! Hope this helps good luck!!
2007-05-31 03:52:19 UTC
How about a treasure hunt? Depending on the age group of the 15 children, you can think up of interesting clues and hide them in the most unlikely of places, within indoors of course.

You can either divide them into 5 groups of 3 or 3 groups of 5 and have them race against time to see who'll be the first group to discover the treasure.

That should take up to at least 2 hours, I think. After which, you can reward everyone with a nice meal and play some nice music to keep the mood fun.

Have fun!
2007-05-30 05:10:07 UTC
Have the pool party anyways. You're supposed to get wet so why should rain hinder that? Plus, it's fun to play in the rain. A storm is a different story. Get a Nintendo Wii and have them play that in the living room. That occupied my 9 year old sister and her 14 friends on her birthday, especially the sports games like bowling (whereas real bowling on a birthday is expensive). Movies tend to be not really interactive. There's usually plenty of little party game books or things you can pick up at the party store.

Or move it to my area where we are in drought and NEED the rain.
2016-11-18 09:19:47 UTC
Rainy Day Birthday Party Ideas
2014-08-19 03:17:16 UTC
There's a game called Mafia that you could play which would include all 15. You pick 3 or 4 to be members of the mafia. You pick one to be the savior, who can save one person each round. The rest of the people are townspeople. There is a murder every round and the townspeople all vote on who is the mafia. Whoever they pick is eliminated from the group and the object of the game is to find all the members before they kill the whole town. If the savior is voted out, he can still save someone each round. It just can't be himself anymore. You also pick one person to be the narrator to describe how the murder happened. That makes the game interesting but only if you pick someone that's creative. You could show a movie too if you wanted or take the guests to the bowling alley or somewhere else if that's possible. You could also play grog, which is a fancy version of hide-and-seek in the dark. The grog takes apart a flashlight and hides the parts around the house. The rest of the people look for the flashlight and shine it in his eyes to kill him once the flashlight is all apart. Of course, if the grog tags the person holding the flashlight before it's put together, he takes the flashlight back and hides the pieces again. Once the grog is dead, you pick someone new and play again. Twister is a fun game too. Just be creative. You'll figure something out.
2014-10-09 00:32:16 UTC
If you have them watch a movie... make it a theater style!

Darken the room, have paper bags with pop corn, drinks and what ever you are feeding them for lunch. Have each child come and pick up their movie snack pack and have a seat.. at least while they are eating they can watch a movie.. and the movie should be something unique but fun. But before this happens.. have them take their shoes off and put them in the garage.. While they are watching the movie... you fill their shoes with goodies! So later when they go to get thier shoes they have a surprise!

And the best interactive game that seems to work well is pictionary! Get a grease board and a couple of markers and two teams.. Works great!
2007-06-02 16:42:35 UTC
Unless it is thunder and lightning, just swim anyways. You are going to get wet anyways. When i was a kid, i loved swimming in the rain. But if you'd prefer to do someting indoors, have a movie night. Rent a projector and a new movie and project a movie on to a sheet. Set up a consession stand with pop corn, juice candy and other goodies. or, just have a plain party. Childrens parties are getting very fancy these days so why not just play classic games like hot potato, pinata, pin the tail on the donkey and blind mans bluff. Blow up spme balloons, decorate with streamers and have a good time, nothing fancy.
Hey Buttercup
2007-06-02 08:10:59 UTC
I say that you go ahead and have the pool party. One year for my birthday, it rained and we put up a canopy on our back deck(it's a big deck) and my dad grilled out in the edge of the garage. We swam a little but the water was cold from the rain so we set up a slip and slide. We were having so much fun and I didn't even know that it rained the whole time!!! But if it's thunder-storming then I say rent a movie you think they'd like and let them watch it, listen to music and just hang out!!!
2007-06-01 22:38:05 UTC
Kids love water so I'd go ahead and have the pool party. Why worry about rain when they'll be wet anyway. They can take a break from the rain under large umbrellas. A slip-and-slide would be fun in the rain too.
2007-05-31 13:58:04 UTC
It is always frustrating when a pool party gets rained out. You could entertain them with favorite movies and serve popcorn! There are many clever games that can entertain 15 children! This website gives you a ton of different games you can play!

Not only that, but I have some games I enjoy. We like to play games like sardines. In the game sardines, you have one person to be "it" and hide. After giving that person enough time to hide, have the rest of them go off looking for "it". If anyone finds "it", then they must hide with them. It is soo much fun, especially when everyone is crammed into a small space.

Playing some popular music will also entertain them. Fun dances like Cotton-Eye Joe and the Cha Cha Slide are fun for everybody.

I hope this helps and I'll pray for sun!! (I have a pool party this weekend too!!! ;)
2007-05-30 11:09:08 UTC
Children love water. They enjoy playing with it. You can have water related activities irrespective of whether it rains or not. Best game can be Water Polo (would need 2 adults to monitor 15 kids, if they are under 12). Use half the pool, if its a big one. If you want it to be entirely indoors, then the best way to engage all 15 is to divide them in 2 teams, leave clues all around the house, each clue should lead to another one, and finally, it should lead to a grand prize. The first team to find it is the winner.
Darth Vader
2007-06-04 05:24:07 UTC
Children in bathing suits don't mind the rain.

It's a pool party, what could happen, they might get wet because it is raining? As long as it is warm enough, and there is no lightning hazard, let them have their pool activities.

Make sure they still use sunscreen as the UV will come right through the clouds. Move the eating and dry activities indoors.
2007-05-31 14:50:18 UTC
THis just happen to me this weekend. I had 18 kids. I moved my party into the garage and rented a snow cone machine. I had downloaded some popular kid songs or you can even go to partycity and get a CD with children songs. You can have some games in you garage after you clean and sweep the floors and organize where nothing can be broken. Get games like Twister and have little goody bags for everyone and pass them out so they can leave with something. Put a table with some chairs so they can also have a place to sit.. Decorate the garage walls with balloons and streamers and make it festive...depending on the age of the kids you can get a big tablet usually found at the teacher supply store and play pictionary...with two teams...

hope this helps
2007-05-30 11:52:12 UTC
Well I think you should prepare for a picnic inside the house. Move some of the furniture. and put down plastic table clothes, and have a picnic. When they are finished eating, you can leave some snacks on a table for them. Now play some games, and have prizes for the winner. You don't say how old your daughter is, but music chairs is a good one. have them take a spoon and put an egg in it, and make them walk a trail, the first one to finish with the egg in tack is the winner. Tie the one foot of two kids together , and make them hop to the kitchen and back without falling. You do this until one pair is left. I'm sure you could come up with more. Set up 4 small bowls, one with hard beans. one with instant chocolate pudding, one with spaghetti(cooked) and one with plain water. and have them guess what they are, they can smell it, touch it, three out of four wins. Have music of there choice. They will enjoy it.
2007-05-29 19:00:39 UTC
Try going to a place where lots of people are aloud and have an indoor pool. You could go to the YMCA. Or maybe have a sleepover party and have the pool part the next day.
2007-05-29 18:23:04 UTC
ummmm im 10 years old so if u have a big basement supply them with lots of ice cream and candy. Get a pinata. Put on music like avril lavigne, the all american rejects, akon, beyonce and stuuf like that. Have it all set up in ur basement or where ever just in case. Let them dance and stuff. Get some hula hoops and make them get into groups. make a few groups but one will have an extar person and make them get in and out of the hula hoop like steap in and out. Get balloons. And if ur party doesn't get rained out do half in the pool and half indoors. It would be a kool party. I hope this works good luck!!!
2014-12-02 00:10:44 UTC
Children in swimwear don't mind the water.

It's really a pool party, what may happen, they might get wet because it is raining? There's no lightning threat, and provided that it's not cool enough, let them have their swimming activities.

Make sure they still use sunscreen since the UV can come all the way through the clouds. Move the dry and eating activities indoors.
2014-10-08 12:24:09 UTC
43. Pretty in pink party

44. Doll and Me party

45. Hannah Montana partyjavascript:void(0);

Check Spelling

46. Disney Princess party

47. Surprise party

48. Sponge Bob party

49. Makeup party
2014-08-23 09:15:44 UTC
You also pick one person to be the narrator to describe how the murder happened. That makes the game interesting but only if you pick someone that's creative. You could show a movie too if you wanted or take the guests to the bowling alley or somewhere else if that's possible. You could also play grog, which is a fancy version of hide-and-seek in the dark. The grog takes apart a flashlight and hides the parts around the house. The rest of the people look for the flashlight and shine it in his eyes to kill him once the flashlight is all apart. Of course, if the grog tags the person holding the flashlight before it's put together, he takes the flashlight back and hides the pieces again. Once the grog is dead, you pick someone new and play again. Twister is a fun game too. Just be creative. You'll figure something out.
2007-06-02 21:28:46 UTC
Let the kids run around in the rain. Unless it's lightning ! If you want to stay indoors play some game that a lot of kids can participate in like pin the tail on the donkey or musical chairs. I did karaoke at one party. You can also make up some arts & crafts projects for them. I guess it depends on their ages.
2007-06-02 20:14:50 UTC
When my son's pool party was rained out we just did a movie day. I quickly rented an appropriate movie, blocked out the windows, and popped lots of popcorn.

Quick easy and dry and I didn't have to have a whole Plan B party planned in advance.

Good Luck
2007-06-01 20:06:56 UTC
Depends on their age really you could always break out twister, that's fun with kids. There are alot of fun party games online in different places. Also the best pool party birthday cake ever is an icecream cake, circular (that's how I do it anyway, it doesn't make a difference really) with blue whipped cream frosting, chocolate covered wafer cookies for a fence around the pool, teddy grahams and lifesavers (teddys inside them swimming of course) a twizzler ladder and gumballs for beachballs :) It's a cool cake even if you change some of the things.
Lori E
2007-06-01 18:06:44 UTC
We often had to deal with weather problems during Birthday celebrations, as two of the kids were born in the winter months. Spread a few colorful sheets on the floor and have an indoor picnic or pizza party. Rent a good kids movie or two for them to watch and plan game. Pin the tail on the donkey can become pin the tail on the cat, if you can draw one on poster board. Musical chairs is always fun, as is twister. Plan mini races ...relay a ping pong ball on a spoon to a pail go back and tag your team mate, until all team mates deliver their ball to the pail. Have prizes for first place and of course second place. Make sure boys and girls are mixed up in the groups. Or get a project for each to make make it simple and quick as attention spans are short.. So besides a prize for a race and a candy treat bag they are also taking home something they made... and while they are making they project tell a story or read one or tell jokes and get them to tell jokes too.
2007-06-01 12:50:23 UTC
You get wet at a pool party. Just tell them its a huge sprinkler =) as long as its not thundering or lightening everything should be ok. besides, how many times do little kids want to go play in the rain and their parents say no? itll be fun and add a little brownie points with the kids. If its thundering and what not, and all girls bake some cookies, do fingernails or play dress up. if its boys and girls let em do whatever, as long as they dont trash the house. Get a lot of munchie food like chips etc and just let em play.
2007-05-30 18:22:21 UTC
well when all the kids get there, you can play games, play dance dance revolution, like a dance game, also bring some music so they can just dance to freely, buy a terrific cake, and also it could be a dress up party, like celebrity dress up, they can dress up as celebrities, you could rent a couple of movies, and buy some crafts, i bet they will mostly be jumping around, you can buy them the game twister, or some other moving game, buy some snacks, and some sodas or juice, you can buy some goodie bags, put some candy and a C.D or some cool stuff. also you could do a water balloon fight, you could fill up a whole bunch of water balloons and bring all the kids outside so they can have the water balloon fight, you can take them out skating or bowling, then you could take them out for pizza, or take them to the movie theater in the valley, they have a game room there, like after the movie they could go up to the game room and play some games, and all that stuff that is there. If they are going to the movie theater they should bring at least 40 or 50 dollars, if they want to pay for the ticket and play some of the games after they are done, and if they have left over money you guys could go to the toy store to buy some stuff or just have some fun, you can also take them to sky zone, it would be REALLY fun there, so i would invite them to sky zone. well good luck!
Terri C
2007-05-29 18:21:13 UTC
Unless you dont mind having 15 kids in your house, call your local hotel that has a indoor pool. The hotel I work at rents the pool and a party room.

Hope this helps!
2007-06-02 09:15:41 UTC
Rain and pools are oxymorons, but lighting is not. How about clearing out the garage and putting a couple of wading pools there for water fun. Inside have the food and present opening.
2007-06-01 21:18:19 UTC
Depends on the kids ages. If they r little, u can't go wrong with a simple art project. Board games, like Candy Land maybe too. Be creative, do dancing/ singing contests. If u have a play area/room for ur daugher, ask her what toys she would like to be put away/ out of reach of her guests and which ones she will leave out to share.

If they r older, like teens, then I have a good suggestion for a game that is fun. "I never ever" is a good game. You form into a circle in chairs. One person stands in the middle. (This is sort of like musical chairs.) The person in the middle says,"I have never ever ....(example:broken a bone.)" If anyone sitting has done what that person hasn't, they move to another seat int the circle. If they are left without a seat, they are in the middle, and they have to do the same ["I never ever...]. If you are left without a seat three times you are out of the game. It's a good game for people to get to know each other. Maybe if ur daughter's friends don't all know each other, it's a great ice breaker game.
2007-06-01 09:54:29 UTC
Does your daughters name begin with an S? I am going to a pool party and it is rained out and my friend told me that she could only invite 15 people so I think I know who you are. I do not know what you can do. Perhaps you could think of some games or have your daughter think of some entertaining games. I think the rain is clearing up. Have a dance party, bring out the chips and soda and play games.
2007-05-30 13:39:13 UTC
Im 12 years old and when i turned ten my pool party was rained out. Luckily the breaks in the rain let us swim. My om ran to the store and bought some candy. she also got lip gloss, cute socks, feeder fish (10 cents), and other girly things the day before. she bought rubber balls and trashcans and we filled the trashcans with prizes. We played game called trash can candy when we filled the cans w/ candy and threw the balls in them. Then my mom filled goody bags and tied a string to each one. (make sure the string is the same color for each) she tangled the strings all around the room. You had to go under and over strings to get to your bag. In between games we swam and swam. My party was a hit. The girls were talking about it even after summer vacation.

Hope this helps
2007-05-29 23:04:46 UTC
I'd just turn it into a 'birthday shower' party and let the kids play games in the rain, in addtion to using the pool. After the fun is over, everyone can go inside to dry out, cut the birthday cake etc. Just ask everyone to bring a towel and a spare set of clothes!

You just can't go wrong with a summer pool party, regardless of the weather!
2007-05-29 19:59:33 UTC
They can still have fun in the rain! If it's warm out, have a water balloon fight, get out the garden hose, or just splash around in the pool in the rain. The wetter, the better! Otherwise, a good movie and some munchies is something every kid enjoys.
risks_(with a pessimist)
2007-06-03 19:34:22 UTC
have an "indoor pool party"

tell kids to wear their bathing suits and sandels, and rent a few summer movies. "camp nowhere" is a PERFECT summer movie for anyone ages 7 and up or so. Spread beachtowles and pillow on the livingroom floor, as beach-style movie theater seating. Blow up some beach balls for kids to toss around (be sure to beach ball proof the room, first!)

Make chocolate shakes, and buy those little drink umbrellas to put in glasses of soda. Play some jimmy buffet music, and give out cheep plastic sunglasses for everyone to wear inside as favors. Create an indoor tropical paradise!
2007-06-02 13:57:15 UTC
How often do kids get to play in the rain without getting yelled at to get inside? If there's no lightning, let them slide around in the mud for a while. A water balloon fight could help clean them off. Turn on the sprinkler in the rain and tell them they get to run through water from every direction.

When you move the party inside, have a human ring toss contest. Have two big inflatable pool rings, and have the kids get into two lines. The first person in each line takes a few (5-10?) big steps away and stands with their hands at their sides. The second person throws the ring and tries to get it to go around them. Then, that person goes and stands with their hands at their sides, and the next person throws, etc.

If you set up a tent inside, the kids will love that, even if there's nothing inside it.

Play "pin the crown on the mermaid."

Get a jump rope and have the kids get in line to play "high water, low water." If I remember the rules correctly from my own childhood, I think that one kid holds each end of the rope, and they hold it at varying heights, slowly moving it up and down or jiggling it. Everyone chants "high water, low water," and the kids take turns jumping over the "low water" or diving under the "high water."

Serve lemonade with fruit and food coloring to stir in (just a drop will do it). Pink lemonade is cool, but blue lemonade is cooler, and blue lemonade with frozen raspberries instead of ice cubes is the coolest ever.

Let the kids made "dirt" and "sand." Give each kid a clear plastic cup and a spoon ("shovel"), and put out bowls of vanilla pudding, chocolate pudding, crushed up oreos, crushed up vanilla wafers, and gummy worms. Let them layer it however they want.

You can pour some blue jello into cups, let it set most of the way, add gummy fish and sharks, and them pour in more jello and let it chill until it's done. You'll have little aquariums.

Play "musical beach towels" instead of musical chairs.
Shaunda L
2007-06-01 08:11:52 UTC
My son was supposed to have a pool party yesterday, Thursday, 31 May 2007, but it rained. So I took the money that I was going to buy food with and took them all to the dollar movies. I bought popcorn and drink combos for all and it didn't cost much more than the food for the party would have cost.
2007-05-30 07:08:07 UTC
My party got rained out to and I had the same 15 kids problem. What I did was set up a few BIG tents which are very inexpensive and put the pool and everything under it. we had so much fun and alot of food. after about an hour the rain stoped and i had rented a moon bounce thing we went on that it was pretty fun!!!
2016-04-15 15:05:48 UTC
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2014-09-25 14:05:30 UTC
ven have small treasures along the way for multiple winners.

Also by using a deck of cards... you can have certain cards represent certain prizes!

If you have them watch a movie... make it a theater style!

Darken the room, have paper bags with pop corn, drinks and what ever you are feeding them for lunch. Have each child come and pick up their movie snack pack and have a seat.. at least while they are eating they can watch a movie.. and the movie should be something unique but fun. But before this happens.. have them take their shoes off and put them in the garage.. While they are watching the movie... you fill their shoes with goodies! So later when they go to get thier shoes they have a surprise!
2014-10-28 14:37:16 UTC
7. Rock-star-for-a-day party

8. Tea party

9. Inside beach party

10. Disco party

11. Cooking party (bake cupcakes, cookies, etc. but be prepared to clean up)

12. Medieval party

13. Pirate party (yaarr, matey!)

14. Indoor picnic party

15. Princess party

16. "Topsy Turvy" party (mismatched clothes and activities)

17. Talent show party

18. Spooky party

19. Horse party

20. Underwater party

21. Lego party
2014-08-19 03:56:07 UTC
Move some of the furniture. and put down plastic table clothes, and have a picnic. When they are finished eating, you can leave some snacks on a table for them. Now play some games, and have prizes for the winner. You don't say how old your daughter is, but music chairs is a good one. have them take a spoon and put an egg in it, and make them walk a trail, the first one to finish with the egg in tack is the winner. Tie the one foot of two kids together , and make them hop to the kitchen and back without falling. You do this until one pair is left. I'm sure you could come up with more. Set up 4 small bowls, one with hard beans. one with instant chocolate pudding, one with spaghetti(cooked) and one with plain water. and have them guess what they are, they can smell it, touch it, three out of four wins. Have music of there choice. They will enjoy it.
2007-06-02 05:15:54 UTC
If it is raining out and there is no thunder and lighting then there is no need to worry. It is fun wear a swimming out in the rain. You could play games, watch a movie and have popcorn, bake cookies(cut outs and let the children decorate them), or you can do an arts and craft project. It all depends on how old the children are.
Carol A
2007-06-01 20:06:46 UTC
Come up with some carnival type games to play in the house. Like trying to toss a penny into a saucer. Or drop a clothespin into a milk jug. Take a small object like a dice or jelly bean and hide it in a room where it can be seen but it is hard to see it without looking the room over good. Who ever finds it gets to hide it while everyone else is out of the room.

Play bingo with prizes.

Make up a big long story with blanks to be filled in that can be read back to every one (they don't know the story you made up) they just choose what is going into the blank spots and then they hear the story.
2007-06-01 16:10:15 UTC
Let them play some type of harmless game and the winner gets to go outside and play in the rain. Oh, well at least only one will get wet. I change my mind, just let them get in the pool if is not thunder and lightening because they would get wet anyway. In the pool and out of the pool. After all its going to be a great party.
The man that gets the word out
2007-05-31 22:05:17 UTC
Operate like a backpacker and have a contingency plan in place for less than favorable weather. Keep your original plan in standby and perhaps set up a weather proof POP UP to protect your party items. If you end up indoors, bring in a box full of common household items like Styrofoam cups & plates, string, pulleys, and what ever else you can find for a chalenging project. Have someone put the contraption out in the rain to see what it will do. You might end up with water wheels or something that fills up with water and lifts up an object or perhaps operate a Barbie dunk tank. You will be surprised when a bunch of girls get together to build some zany project devoid of male critics.
2007-05-31 14:30:10 UTC
you can either go to a hotel that has a indoor pool and have a party there or local gym with a indoor pool like golds gym or ymca or wymca . if you dont want to do that you can always do a slumber party i have done for my daughters and a really good movies from blockbusters . but my children had a costume sleep over as butterflys . and we had spa time to do each other nails. i have to say every thing went well with the 20 girls i had over . but there is always a skateing party if you dont like these ideas good luck
2007-05-31 12:21:17 UTC
Treasure Hunts are pretty awesome. A fun thing to do is to hide the ingredients for dinner as the treasure, I've done so.

Large board games can be good, but arguing can and probably will happen.

Put on some good music and have the kids choreograph some moves to it. Then when the parents come to pick the kids up, have a little dance.

Good luck!
2014-08-29 07:28:08 UTC
Get a pinata. Put on music like avril lavigne, the all american rejects, akon, beyonce and stuuf like that. Have it all set up in ur basement or where ever just in case. Let them dance and stuff. Get some hula hoops and make them get into groups. make a few groups but one will have an extar person and make them get in and out of the hula hoop like steap in and out. Get balloons. And if ur party doesn't get rained out do half in the pool and half indoors. It would be a kool party. I hope this works good luck!!!
2007-06-04 10:19:54 UTC
I don't know how old the children you plan to entertain are but from being a teenager I would say plan a movie that no one has seen (ya know, like something knew). One year my sister had a pool party at an inn or a hotel, like Amerihost or something like that. Oh and don't forget the food, that is always sure to keep kids happy
2007-06-02 22:01:54 UTC
Well for 15 children, you will need to keep them entertained for sure. Assuming all the food and drinks are already in place, I think having some fun games and toys to keep them busy would be necessary, like a goodie bag with coloring books, puzzles, noisemakers or bubbles. Depending how old they are they'll love it. Maybe musical chairs, twister, or even pin the tail on the donkey would do the trick.

Hope this helps!
Barbara B
2007-05-31 05:21:05 UTC
If it just rained - but no thunder & lightning, my mother used to take us all outside to play in the rain. You know - splash puddles, make mud pies, etc. Yep. Play ouside in the rain. Or we would take a nice walk and shake trees so the leaves and big raindrops would fall on us. We'd turn rocks upside down and look for worms and other crawlies - maybe even catch a few in glass jars just to look at for a while. It was great fun. More fun even than a pool party.

When play was over, we'd line up and get hosed down and then we'd change clothes and have lunch (or an early supper).
2007-05-31 02:50:08 UTC
I'd go ahead with the pool party. Keep the food dry, but the idea of a pool party is to get wet, right? Kids would probably have fun with the idea.
2007-05-30 10:40:22 UTC
How can a pool party get rained out. They are going to get wet in the pool so it won't matter if they get wet out of the pool. Now if there is lightning then you should move it inside but don't call off the pool party 'till you see lightning.
2014-10-04 14:06:38 UTC
colored markers with directions to the next hint.. Until it finally leads to the treasure.. You can even have small treasures along the way for multiple winners.

Also by using a deck of cards... you can have certain cards represent certain prizes!

If you have them watch a movie... make it a theater style!

Darken the room, have paper bags with pop corn, drinks and what ever you are feeding them for lunch. Have each child come and pick up their movie snack pack and have a seat.. at least while they are eating they can watch a movie.. and the movie should be something unique but fun. But before this happens.. have them take their shoes off and put them in the garage.. While they are watching the movie.
2014-08-16 21:25:34 UTC
you can play games, play dance dance revolution, like a dance game, also bring some music so they can just dance to freely, buy a terrific cake, and also it could be a dress up party, like celebrity dress up, they can dress up as celebrities, you could rent a couple of movies, and buy some crafts, i bet they will mostly be jumping around, you can buy them the game twister, or some other moving game, buy some snacks, and some sodas or juice, you can buy some goodie bags, put some candy and a C.D or some cool stuff. also you could do a water balloon fight, you could fill up a whole bunch of water balloons and bring all the kids outside so they can have the water balloon fight, you can take them out skating or bowling, then you could take them out for pizza, or take them to the movie theater in the valley, they have a game room there, like after the movie they could go up to the game room and play some games, and all that stuff that is there. If they are going to the movie theater they should bring at least 40 or 50 dollars, if they want to pay for the ticket and play some of the games after they are done, and if they have left over money you guys could go to the toy store to buy some stuff or just have some fun, you can also take them to sky zone, it would be REALLY fun there, so i would invite them to sky zone. well good luck!
2007-06-01 21:23:05 UTC
*Indoors music by a DJ/KJ for kids. They love to sing!

*The right clown or magician will keep them entertained for a good hour or more.

*Scavenger hunt through approved rooms, for common household objects (or special treats). They could hunt for peanuts and the one with the most gets a small bag of cash or treats.

*Circle story time. Sit 'em in a circle and have each add to a started story. This works the imaginations, can be quite funny, and can last a good length of time.

*Movie time! With homemade popcorn, fresh squeezed juice and such. These activities just to get ready for the movie will involve them in fun and can fill up some time. What do YOU think?
2007-06-01 18:30:17 UTC
Make all the kids still wear their suits in case it stops,but in the mean time set up the basement or family room with beach towels and buckets and shovels or any other stuff you were planing on using out side. let them wear sun glasses and maybe a movie and some games like I spy. A make you own sundae goes really well with kids. I don't know their ages so these ideas could be for any age. Tell your daughter I hope Mr. sun comes out and Happy cake and ice cream day.
168% Crazy
2007-05-31 18:07:20 UTC
Have the pool party. Swimming in the rain is hella fun as long as you're not having lightning. The kids will enjoy that soooo much and if it doesn't really rain then even better, just have your food and drinks inside and have a good heater on to keep 'em nice and warm when it gets too cold. XD
2007-05-31 05:18:49 UTC
Pool parties are not rained out to the people in the water.
2007-05-30 13:44:05 UTC
Well have you ever thought of getting a humongous tent depending on how big the pool is. Or if its not a lightning storm watter balloon fight in the rain. But my advice to you is ask your daughter what she wants to do. It is her party and being a girl she'll most likely know what she wants.
2007-05-30 12:40:28 UTC
My daughters birthday is in January, so we always have to be creative with party ideas. One year we did a karaoke contest. Last year we had a bowling party and then all came back to the house for pizza and movies. Later that night we found a cool music station on TV and cranked it up for the kids to dance. You can turn out all the lights and have the room lined in white x-mas lights. You could have an indoor camp out! Set up a tent in the house and make smores in the microwave! Let all the kids bring their own flashlights and sleeping bags! Don't let the weather get you down. Kids will always find a way to have fun when they're with their friends.
2007-05-30 08:39:57 UTC
this has happened to me before. my sister's daughter was turning 16 and i decided to through her a sweet 16 pool party. i called all the friends and family. everything was set. then, the day before, we watched the news saying there was a 90% chance of rain for the next day. we made arrangements for a band that my neices boyfriend was in to play a "concert" inside. we simply exchanged the decorations at the party store, from tropical to musical. we rented a kareoke machine and bought some cheap CDs. it was a blast. hope this helped!!

* also, if it is all girls, invite them to have a sleepover instead. however, this could be hard considering the amount of people!!
2007-05-30 03:27:11 UTC
I think the dance party is a good idea. You could also arrange games like simon says, musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey, etc. Theatre games are also an option. They are fun for all ages, educational, and usually require some activity. I included some links of websites with game ideas in case you decide to do that. Some other ideas, you could have a "talent show" with karaoke, "makeovers" or face painting with makeup if it's all girls
2016-02-10 08:51:06 UTC
Now, regarding your dilema...Is there any chance of lightning? The reason I ask is because rain is just annoying, but lightning can kill! If you are sure there isnt any then perhaps you could rent or buy (they're really not that pricey & can be used over & over) a large event tent, you know the kind you sometimes see in outdoor weddings. If your pool is small enough, or if you get a big enough sized one you could stradle it across your pool.
2007-05-29 15:00:33 UTC
Do you have a Wii? let the kids play super monkey ball, or mario party 8. what about twister the dvd game. Or just twister, crafts are good. running games. Or take them to McDonalds where there is an indoor playground. Puppet Shows, fishing games. (depending on how old the kids are)
2015-05-28 17:57:02 UTC
If she is younger you oculd do a dance party theme. Maybe an 80's party... and even if they arent dressed up you can give the girls some old makeup a few brushes and some hairspray and let them deck themselves out 80's style. The guys can get gelled up and they can dp fun 80's dances and eat food! What more can a kid love.?
2007-06-02 15:31:38 UTC
rent some movies for the kids to watch. in the mean time, you can prepare snacks (or make them ahead of time) such as candy, popcorn, cookies, etc. you can either make one big cake, or many little cupcakes. you can try to hire a clown or a magician (depending on how old the kids are).

if you want something tropical, here are some cute ideas that will make the kids smile.

go to a party store such as party city and buy a couple inflatable palm trees. these can be stationed wherever you think looks good in your house. buy as many hula skirts as needed for the kids, and buy hawaiian leis to pass out. you can make a tropical themed cake with coconut on it to add to the tropical vibe. if the kids are young enough to enjoy Disney movies, you can rent Lilo and Stitch. get some hawaiian music or something for them to dance to. young children seem to love arts and crafts, so come up with a cute project for them, such as coloring pictures, or you could buy polymer clay and have them make different things. you can then bake the clay and give it to the children to take home as a personalized party favor.

as a last resort, you could always have everyone meet at your house and you can organize a way to get them to Chuck E. Cheese. they will definately know how to keep kids happy! good luck!
2007-05-31 15:45:01 UTC
You could take then to the movies or to an indoor pool. Or you chould just have the party inside, with cake, games and stuff like that. Or you could cancel the party and give your daughter all the money you were planning on spending for the party. She might enjoy a shopping spree!!!
2007-05-31 08:13:21 UTC
Hi, I have a pool, and i havn't have a pool party yet, but if i was you, and it rained, and I had to rescedge, or if the ppl were already there, then i would probably move the party under a deck or under a tent and have pool games, like volleyball!
2007-05-31 06:25:51 UTC
You could try an indoor party and have a vote on some different games to play such as hide-and-go-seek, tag, and many others. You could have all the girls dress in bathing suits and lay out on towels indoors while they watch a movie or something.
2007-05-30 10:48:14 UTC
Bring the beach indoors! Set up the living room to look like a beach (minus the sand to avoid a big mess), play tropical music, make tropical drinks (smoothies, for example) and put together beach-style games for the kids to play like limbo. Maybe even have a 60s style beach dance party, retro music and all.

(I know I'd at least enjoy pretending to be poolside if I didn't get to play in the pool.)
2007-05-30 08:56:31 UTC
A lot of good ideas on here but you might check out your local area for a pool the kids could swim in for an hour or so and then go to your house for a movie and cake and ice cream. Some of them are not so expensive to use -esp if you go during open swim times!!
2015-02-21 19:21:36 UTC
Darken the room, have paper bags with pop corn, drinks and what ever you are feeding them for lunch. Have each child come and pick up their movie snack pack and have a seat.. at least while they are eating they can watch a movie.. and the movie should be something unique but fun. But before this happens.. have them take their shoes off and put them in the garage.. While they are watching the movie... you fill their shoes with goodies! So later when they go to get thier shoes they have a surprise!
2007-06-02 17:57:13 UTC
Well lets see here.....Let them go outside and swim until the rain comes. Let them play in the pool outside in the rain but if there is lightning then tell then to get out and go inside.
2007-06-01 20:40:23 UTC
Bring them all to Chuck E cheese or the!

Dance party-need dance music

Sing Karaoke

Movie marathon (horror flicks or funny movies)

Make pizza

Play twister

Play "May I"

Play "Simon says"

Eating contests

Bobbing for apples

Eat donuts off a string

musical chairs

pin the tail on the donkey

put up a tent outside and still have a dogs and hamburgers...watermelon...
2007-06-01 09:51:08 UTC
Sometimes having the party at a different pool can help, or if you decide, have the party another day. If you still want to have it this weekend, maybe you could come up with some other fun ideas. HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO THE LITTLE ONE!!!
2007-05-31 17:09:35 UTC
I know how you must feel I have a daughter that is born in the summer. If it rains and I hope it doesn't the backup plan would be that you just bring them to the closest pool for a fun swim. Provided you have spoken to the moms and you have some of the moms help you transport the girls. After than bring them home for pizza. Hope everything works out for you!
2007-05-31 16:53:13 UTC
Well, if you have a big enough basement to hold 15 kids...?

Other than that, have you tried taking the whole kit and kaboodle to a community rec center for them to have the party there?

I know it sounds a bit put off, but if you could find one that has an INDOOR pool, you would still be able to have a party all the same.
2007-05-31 11:40:52 UTC
I have two boys, all adults now. When they were little, a LOT of oudoor parties got rained on! Try to find someone with a portable shelter to keep them dry and warm. If you can get (borrow) two shelters, you can have activites like musical chairs, a trivia contest bingo,or even show a movie outdoors! If it stays warm enough, buy small squirt guns and a slip & slide and prepare to get REALLY wet! Good Luck.
Carol J
2007-05-31 10:13:58 UTC
It really depends on the age of your daughter.

My 10yr old, we did a girls sleepover to include going to the mall, saw a movie, ate dinner, and went to a one hour photo place and had a group picture taken. INstead of goodie bags, they all got a little purse with lipgloss, and misc. inside, along with a copy of the group picture. We had different activities throughout the night for them to do, with a visor to make in the morning to take home as well. All of them said they had an "awesome time". Best they had been too.

But you can get some ideas by age, inside/outside, and by the amount of money you want to spend per child at this website:

Best of luck, enjoy!! Happy B-day to your little one.
j p
2007-05-31 07:42:48 UTC
why is it rained out??? the only reason to stop swimming is if it is lightening, that makes it dangerous to swim. that is the only thing is it might lightening and then a pool party won't work.

if so move the party inside with music and movies and food and games

it depends on the age of the kids to what you can do at the party

let them go and let them have fun

it's your call
2007-05-31 00:18:40 UTC
All kids Love to make things. I would ask all the parents about a week before the party.. ,that would be ASAP, to do a house hunt for broken and old crayons. It would also be nice to have a few extra cupcake/ muffin pans sent with the kids as well. One per kid is good, just besure to have at least one or 2 kids share the same pan. Have all the kids to bring them to the party later that week. Have your son or daughter to go through the internet and pick out about 5 or so intresting characters or just things of intrest for the group of children to color. You can find a large number of characters on websites for Disney, Mc Donalds, and about all the regular sites and places you already go and see on a weekly basis. Print out these pages on recycled paper and have ready for the party. After all the kids color their pages collect all the crayons and have the kids ' crumble ' them in a metal pan. It does not have to be perfect pieces. They only need to be small enough to fit a few to a dozen creative colors to make a 'unique' color of your own. Then have the kids put paper cupcake liners in muffin pans. The liners make it easier to remove the 'new crayons'. If you have to share the pans with other kids, ask the kids to write their names or initals on the outside-bottom of the liner so that each child does not for get what color(s) they chose. Most ovens allow about 6 muffin pans at one time, or three per shelf. You can do simple math to figure more or less per child at your party. While you wait for the 'crayons' to melt you can surf the web, or catch a show on TV, if the cable is out watch a movie, if you have cable let the kids chose a Pay'per view ( with appropriate material) movie. (I remember my first party, rained out and we watched a horror movie. I will never forget it!!! Eck JASON lives..).

After deciding on what to watch the crayons should be melting in the pans and should be taken out CAREFULLY and left to dry out. The new 'creative crayons' should be done after about 2-3 hours and ready to take home, not to mention the kids too after the movie. Ahh the memories, the movie or the new creation each kid made???
2007-05-30 10:13:01 UTC
Check local hotels with pools( alot of them now have water slides ). Many have day rates that are pretty reasonable, locally $5 for the kid with adults a little more.

Or book a room in a hotel and use the pool with the room for the cake, changing, presents, etc.....
2007-05-30 06:54:34 UTC
So long as there is no lightning...throw everyone in the pool! They'd be getting wet any way! Lol! Food and video games seem to be the most common things for kids these days, other than that I hope it doesn't rain for your daughter's sake.
2007-05-30 06:35:05 UTC
That stinks, what i would suggest is order some pizza for inside, then you can play some music for the party, some they would like. Maybe then you can get some board games, or if you have the SHOUT ABOUT games or SCENE IT, you could also get DDR, if you have it, if you own a GAME CUBE and have MARIO PARTY (4-7), you can do a MARIO PARTY tournament. Maybe a dance party will work too.
Gerald L
2007-05-29 22:13:09 UTC
If there is no lightning, just keep on since kids like to play in the rain & are always told to, "come in out of the rain." They will be wet anyway and when time to eat etc, have a large enclosed tent/gazebo (either rented or available rather inexpensively from Sears, Wal-Mart etc & subsequently reusable) for listening to appropriate dance music for the age group. If you buy such a tent with open screen walls it can be used for evening outings to stay away from mosquitos for years to come.
2007-05-29 14:39:27 UTC
Maybe rent some pool tables and ping pong tables along with. Or, maybe go to a rollerskating rink and have it there. There's lots of movies out as well for kids that age: Spiderman, Shreck, Pirates of the Caribbean. What 15 year old girl doesn't love Johnny Depp?
2007-06-02 14:08:20 UTC
What age are the children?

Get one of those cage blow up toys with all the balls. They love those. Let them decorate some cookies with icing. If you have a garage, let them have a "crazy string war." We loved that as kids. Also, they could blow bubbles with that plastic goop you put on the end of a straw. Play some lively music and let them dance around. If you can afford it, get a strobe light and those glo necklaces. Have a contest to see who can do the best "makeover." (Or "ugliest makeover.") Hope some of these ideas help.....I'm passionate about kids having a great time!

One of the most fun games teenagers had was called, "defend your socks." 2 kids would put on knee socks and have to get the other child's in order to advance in our "tournament." (Lot's of fun if you set the guidelines) We did this on my rug in the living room.

Good luck to you; relax and have fun and they'll have fun.
2007-06-02 10:30:16 UTC
If you do somthign indoors make sure there is a lot of room and plenty of decorations make them forget hey are inside.

Do something that has to do with water. Make water balloons and send them out in the rain.

I am a kid and i love the rain.
2007-06-02 07:20:32 UTC
Well that has happened to me and what we ended doing was renting a movie and getting chips, soda, popular music, and lik ethe disco lights, and we threw as we called it " kids club" and the limbo, since it was an all-girl party we put make-up on and took pictures. We also played twister. One of my sister's friend suggested prank-calls and so we did that. It was a blast!!!! Oh we played freeze-dance and we had also orderes one of those blow up houses and we put it something like a tent over it and they jumped for a LONG time. So i hope you guys have a great party and atleast one of my suggestions work!!!! ♥
2007-05-31 13:54:59 UTC
Can you draw well? My friend Patrick's 10th birthday party was a rain-out and the Mom could draw great! While we waited for the rain to clear, the Mom sketched our portraits. It was a little slow, but we all went home with party favors our parents have to this very day.

Also, don't forget that dusty Karaoke machine...dig it out and have fun. If not, have someone bring theirs.
2007-05-30 18:43:03 UTC
Why worry if the party is rained out, they are going to get wet anyway. Just make sure it is not lightinging of course. We used to swim in the rain a lot.

As far as the food/goodies - set them up in the garage and then you won't care if the garage floor gets wet and they won't be in the house.

Have FUN
2007-05-29 14:36:04 UTC
still have the pool party, (tell everyone to bring their swim suits) but if it does rain, the girls can come inside and have a dance party, eat cake, play hide-and-go-seek, or something like that. I went to a pool party, but it rained so we played in my friend's basement!
2007-06-03 13:08:47 UTC
dont let a little rain ruin your fun. Have a fun dance party inside, or play a bunch of board games, watch a movie, or play spin the bottle. To keep 15 children happy... maybe play hide and go seek? or ask them what they want to do.AND JUST HAVE FUN!
2007-06-01 19:20:47 UTC
well my friend's pool party was calceled because of rain, but I am lucky to have a rec center in my town with an indoor pool so that is where we went. Good luck!
Just! Some? *Dude*
2007-06-01 17:50:29 UTC
Yeah like any of you people go swimming in the rain ever.......think why you don't do it yourselves and you've answered your own question.

Take the gang to Chuck E. Cheese or someplace like that if they're young like that or scour the internet for some game ideas for indoors. Enjoy the pool while you can and move indoors if you need to.
Josh R
2007-06-01 04:31:39 UTC
Always Board games, pop a Movie in the DVD player, and have a contest in music, play some music, pair them up in teams see who can dance the best or see who can sing the best. Also one thing that shuts me up is food, so throw a pizza party for the 15 guest that you have. Josh from Sarasota, FL USA. If you want you can add me for a contact.
2007-06-03 15:16:40 UTC

P.S. SORRY FOR ALL THE CAPITALS!!!!!I DIDNT REALIZE IT And when i did i didnt feel like going back!!!
2007-06-02 08:22:06 UTC
Go inside and let them play video games. Or if you have a heated pool, go into it. Then let the children lick up the rain.
2007-05-31 21:19:47 UTC
HELLO-how does a pool party get rained out? the whole point of being in a pool is getting wet--AS long as there isn't thunder and lightning why not swim in the rain? could be cool.....
2007-05-31 18:39:50 UTC
Maybe go to a public pool instead, like in a recreation center instead of outdoors. Or if it's your own pool rent a big tent to put over the pool. If not then, maybe rent some movies and watch them inside the house, or go to the theeatre.
2007-05-30 15:56:01 UTC
At my birthday party when i was in middle school my mom did "making lip gloss" You can get a kit for that at a party store or online.

Also have a movie time. Have your daughter pick out a movie at blockbuster and then make popcorn and snacks and watch the movie.

Swimming in the rain isn't that bad. As long as its not cold out! Just do the lipgloss/movie and maybe they can go swimming after all!
Stephen L
2007-05-29 19:48:26 UTC
We have the same situation. Put them all in a dark room and play a video that's a little scary for that age group. They'll love it!!! Another thing kids like indoors is to do little art projects with glue, stickers, paint, glitter and that sort of stuff.
2007-05-29 16:47:33 UTC
I once saw a man swimming - doing laps in a pool while it was raining. - He was carrying an umbrella- and doing the side stroke. It was pretty funny, put probably not the best idea if you are in an area where lightning is a possibility. -
2007-06-02 19:56:13 UTC
Wet T-shirt Contest! Lol jk. You can still tell them to bring their B-suits. Just Have lots of board game and movies for them to keep occupied.And if you're really desperate then go to a hotel and use their inside pool. (tell all the kids a fake room number in case someone who works their asks them)

(please choose mine for the best answer, My friend and i have a $200 bet to see who can get the most best answers.)
2007-06-01 21:46:32 UTC
I know for our kids the hottest thing to do is play guitar hero. Maybe your kid has someone who may have this game you can borrow. Or you can just go online and type in the search box, pool party ideas. You should come up with tons of ideas. Good luck!
Mr. Wizard
2007-06-01 01:04:31 UTC
Twister--the classic game just popped to mind. It's fun, set for several people to play (the more the better) and it's making a huge retro comeback. That and/or maybe finding one of those karaoke machines that can be easily set up....and maybe making a "game show themed" event out of having the guests sing for "prizes"

Maybe even "hosting" a mock 'Miss USA' pageant....where guests can "gussie up" for laughs and poke fun at the frivolity of what I think is an over-rated televised event anyway.....
2007-05-31 08:21:04 UTC
Host a Luau-themed or Hawaiian-themed party.

this should help and this site also has other ideas for parties. As for me I am going outside and do a no-rain dance this weekend because summer doesn't last to long here in the northeast!!!!!
2007-05-29 17:20:22 UTC
Rent an indoor pool. Or if you can't I'd suggest to try out the wonderful answers above me.
2007-06-01 22:12:33 UTC
Take them to see a movie or something. Or you could go to a place where there is an indoor pool. Kepp the kids occupied.
2007-06-01 18:47:41 UTC
as long as there is no lightning and the weather is warm enough, keep the party going. swimming in the rain is so much fun. i've also played wiffle ball in the rain, which is a blast. if there is lightning, bring them inside to play board games, listen to music, or do an age appropriate craft.
2007-05-30 11:02:37 UTC
yes, let them stay in the pool the water in the pool is just as wet as the rain falling from the sky or let them go dancing in the rain, or if u are just afraid of lighting or something like that then u can take them inside and let them do nothing
Mr. Bubble
2007-06-03 11:30:55 UTC
I was gonna say you could get a bunch of alcohol, weed, and some coke and have a sweet party but your daughter is probbaly too young for that so I would suggest an animated DVD and some pizza.
2007-06-02 18:42:31 UTC
Go to an indoor Water park or pool. Remember to bring floaties and stuff if theres gonna be kids there.
2007-06-02 13:51:35 UTC
Order about 5 different kinds meat, cheese and pickles with a couple dozen subway rolls, cut up veggies and chips. Let them make their own subway sandwiches in the garage. Have a movie playing in one corner,music with a dance area in another, a big area for just hanging out and a TV in another area for kids that can't live without their favorite shows. Make sure you have a few bales of hay, too.

The hay will make great sitting, easier clean up of spills and great mulch for flower beds. It smells good, too.
2007-05-31 11:35:52 UTC
Why would rain spoil a pool party? They'll all be wet anyway. And it will likely be warmer in the water than out of the water.
Hopefully Helpful
2007-05-29 20:34:44 UTC
That happened to me when I was little at my classes pool party. So my teacher just got a movie and ordered pizza and let us watch that. After the movie was done some just ended up playing hide and go seel and some played board games. But just make sure there is plenty to keep them busy. : )
2016-03-13 06:21:27 UTC
Change it to a Pizza Party or something? Hunger Games just came out on DVD/Blu Ray. A good one for their age. The Lorax is a recent release as well. EDIT: Oops I jumped the gun. Hunger Games isn't out until this weekend.
2014-07-01 11:32:19 UTC
I moved my party into the garage and rented a snow cone machine. I had downloaded some popular kid songs or you can even go to partycity and get a CD with children songs. You can have some games in you garage after you clean and sweep the floors and organize where nothing can be broken.
2007-06-02 18:54:10 UTC
oh mom you're in trouble, i think you're in spring, so you can let them to have ttaht pool party, howhever you can rent a place with a indoor pool and make the party there... the rain it's not a problem
2007-06-02 10:23:35 UTC
Take them to an indoor play place or an indoor pool.
2007-06-01 06:11:07 UTC
It's Raining! Everyone out of the pool before you get wet!
2007-06-01 04:01:27 UTC
If you have a Pool table, just bring them inside to play pool. Then it will still be a Pool Party.
2007-05-31 18:48:21 UTC
She could have a indoor party or go to like one of those restaurants like, McDonald's etc. It's a good place to keep that majority of kids for that girl's party.
2007-05-30 18:46:30 UTC
Depending on their age, you could have a movie marathon. Let the kids vote on some movies and watch a few of their favorite movies. Or kids can create their own drawings and make up a song or give each other make overs. Watch movies, dvds, and listen to music that they enjoy. Serve salads and other vegetables and also serve fruits.
2007-05-30 17:17:27 UTC
A jacuzzi party!

Depending on how old the kids are, they might like swimming even better if it's raining. Just go with the flow- if they don't want to swim, you can rent movies to watch, go bowling, or take them ice skating.
2007-05-30 06:36:36 UTC
Move the party indoors and show a movie. Try to put all your breakable stuff away because they might start playing "marco polo" or tag indoors. Well, me & my friends do that all the time
2007-05-29 18:28:30 UTC
They're already going to be wet, so make it a "rain-day party". Snacks & such would be done under shelter, of course, but you could have games & stuff picked out specifically so they could be played wet and in the rain.
Lucy Caboosy
2007-05-29 15:17:00 UTC
If you think kids like are wrong! Trust me. My niece is terrified of clowns. Okay, if it rains, let them still go swimming! Kids love swimming in the rain. Just bring them in if it starts to thunder and lightning outside. If it does have a spa day with them. Nail polish, face cream, make up, all that stuff. Girls would love that.

Have fun
2007-06-02 13:49:40 UTC
Dude... it's a fricken pool party! Swim in the rain!
2007-06-01 21:25:34 UTC
15!!Ummmmm-this is not my answer but I am having a pool party this summer too and I was planning that if it rained I would still swim but that is just me!!:)How old is she??How about a dance themed party!?Clear Ur living room and pop a CD in!Have pizza soda chips snakes pinata and more!
2007-05-30 16:28:41 UTC
have several stations for games throughout the house. Have children pull numbers 1-5. Have them rotate to each game station about every 15 minutes.

Suggested games

pin the tail on the donkey

Keep away - (bean bag)

Balloon pop

Blind man's Bluff
2007-06-02 08:28:56 UTC
What is the age group? If its not lightning out plan for outside. Park with a shelter house. Have them bring a fave movie or album. Play games like charades, uno
2007-06-01 11:11:14 UTC
Unless it is pouring rain , thunder and lighting let them swim. If your not comfortable with that. How about baking cupcakes in ice cream cones (flat bottoms work perfect) have them decorate their own "cupcake cone". No plates no forks just eat the "cupcake right from the cone" Bake them the night before and let them get creative good for ages 4-10.
2007-06-01 08:43:19 UTC
Whenever my mom throws a party and it gets rained out, She turns the lights off and play differents games by candle lights.
2007-05-30 13:47:07 UTC
if there is no lightning during the party let them play in the rain and change to come in after.

it might sound silly or supid but 10 mor 15 years from now she will think that was the coolest thing my parents did :)
2014-07-04 07:51:59 UTC
Salt dough is a fantastic item that kids love and you can make all kinds of neat things with. Just bake the items in the oven to set them or send them home with instructions for their own parents to bake them. There are loads of free salt dough recipes online and you probably already have the ingredients. If you don't, the ingredients are about as cheap as craft items can get.
Golden Ivy
2007-06-02 16:12:00 UTC
Play in the rain! The kids will have a blast! I love to play out in the rain with my sibling. Just make sure it is not lightning.
2007-06-02 11:30:37 UTC
always have music...and food....depends on how old the children are...if they are teenagers, usually by each others company, they stay entertained....have a game night...pull out all the old board games and cards and just let the kids pick and choose what they want to play..we do this all the time at my youth group, when ever something planned doesn't work out, or for fun... hope this helps... good luck
2007-05-31 05:36:15 UTC
A good idea for a pool party would be, to have all of your best friends, and friends invited. Have lots of snack and fun games to play like truth,dare,doubledare, and promise to repet.
2007-05-30 20:55:21 UTC
They were coming to "get wet" anyways so go out and buy a buy a bunch of games and contests that involve "WATER"

The Parents can sit inside and the 15 kids and Big Kids who aren't worried about getting their hair wet can have a Blast outside with water games.

If it's just raining and not thundering / lightening

Make your backyard it into a water world.

Get Super soakers and squirt guns

Make a bunch of water balloons

Bob for apples

Squirt Whipped cream at each other ( it Wash's right off)

so does water color paint( non-toxic paint)

Let them paint themselves with flowers or super hero masks.

Slip n slides - are always fun ( or just a big sheet of plastic and a hose to keep it wet.)

After the kids have had their fill -

have them dry -off / get dressed ( this should take about 1/2 hour)

and come inside to eat ,have cake/ Ice cream!

Need more ideas:

Hope that helps!
Lolly Popper
2007-05-30 13:25:19 UTC
You could change it to a pizza party/indoor carnival. You could serve pizza and set up booths with carnival games. For example, face painting, a fortune teller, bean-bag toss, etc. If all else fails, put on a movie.
Mark S
2007-05-30 08:36:04 UTC
How old are the kids? If they are between 5-10, set up a sundae making activity. Have all of the toppings that you can think of and let them go to town, at the end, they get to have a nice treat and hopefully the mess is minimal.
2007-05-29 18:32:58 UTC
I would make it into a themed party... maybe something like a day at the fair... have pop corn and ice cream. I would also have some games like twister and bean bag toss. Also try face painting, just about any child would love a day like that.
2016-01-29 16:30:06 UTC
And def a sleep over..... Set back the party a few hours later, if the weather is going to be horrible and let the girls do things they love. Kick the boys out by a certain time and girls love nothing more than watching movies/gossiping/popcorn/and candy!
2014-06-13 13:47:26 UTC
There are lots of party games you can play without buying anything. There's 7up, charades, pictionary (ok, you'll need pencil and paper), etc. You can probably find instructions for these and a number of other games online.
2007-05-31 12:26:05 UTC
Yep, call the local Y or another place with open indoor pool access, and move it there. Some Motel franchises will let you have birthday parties at there motels. One I believe was Marriott.
2007-05-31 06:48:02 UTC
this happened last year when my friend threw a eight grade graduation party for all of us who were moving on to highschool.

he rented a hot tub, and it started to rain, so for awahile we all jumpped on the trampolene in the rain.then when we went inside, we all crammed in on the couches and played truth or dare, which was the funnest thing ever, and then we ate chips and watched a movie.if it is a pool party, and it does rain, maybe you could look at your community centers rates for going to their sure if it is raining that the center wont be very busy.

hope i helped :]]
2007-05-30 19:54:56 UTC
Have the party while it"s raining it will be 10 times as fun
2007-05-30 04:54:01 UTC
Why move it indoors. Is the pool heated? Do you have umbrellas? Don't you get wet from the pool anyway, so why not keep the party.

If you do need to move it indoors, try twister, hide & seek, pin the tail on the donkey.....etc.

Good Luck!
2007-05-29 18:01:28 UTC
Games, music, and junk food keeps most kids happy. You could let them swim in the pool as long as there's no thunder or lightning.
2007-05-29 14:32:30 UTC
Have it anyway. they were gonna get wet already! rain-pool partys are awsome! If its cold then keep them indoors and rent some games and movies
♥ alexa ♥
2007-05-30 13:44:30 UTC
well, first you should put out chips and drinks and play music and let people dance. then let them all take a vote on a couple movies and watch the most popular one. pop popcorn and spread out pillows and blankets for everyone to relax. after the movie is over you could brin gout board games or if they have their bathingsuits...let them dance in the rain! lol. hopefully everything goes well. good luck and happy b-day to your daughter. ♥
megan y
2007-06-01 09:11:27 UTC
you could take them shopping and then let them stay the night, have makeovers, and order pizza and maybe the next day it won't be raining and if it iz then take them to a public indoor pool and reschdule her pool pary for some other time
2007-05-31 16:29:39 UTC
I say have the pool party even if it rains, they were going to get wet in the pool anyway, go for it!!! The kids will love it.
2007-05-31 02:56:16 UTC
Let them play in the rain! Just bring them in if you hear any

thunder. After all its a pool. Otherwise, take them to Chuckie

2007-05-29 23:53:44 UTC
Bring the pool party inside. Put them all in the basement and turn off the sump pump. Can't go wrong with that.
2007-06-02 21:09:29 UTC
Ask your daughter about what she and her friends are most interested in. Then do that for your party :) it's better then just doing something she may not like.
2007-06-02 15:56:47 UTC
play some activities inside like movies, twister is always good. you could have a water fight in the rain i guess.

play a board game that everyone loves.

there are lots of things to do inside just use your imagination
2007-06-02 07:56:32 UTC
Go to an indoor pool somewhere!
2007-06-01 20:43:13 UTC
Rain can be a fun way to enjoy the party. unless children have changed, it was fun for me just to be out in it on a warm day without lightning. and the rest of the party could be on your patio.
2007-05-31 17:57:13 UTC
set a beach themed indoor beach party without the sweat, being wet, ect. Have the kids sorta pretend they are at the beach inside by decorating it inside with waves cut out of blue paper, a giant aluminum sun with yello paint, and beach umbrellas and towels. If you have a sandbox bring it in and presto, instant beach(if you mind the mess. put out some beach videos to improvise if it doesn't work and play beach games! Good luck!
2007-05-31 14:27:41 UTC
Go swimming anyways! It's fun to swim in the rain! But have some indoor games (like DanceDance Revolution 2--that's what my friend did) too. For my friend's party we even made brownies! That was fun. :-}
:D Jamie
2007-05-31 09:44:28 UTC
park the car outside and bring the pool in the garage. A little water never hurts!
Reda T
2007-05-29 19:28:01 UTC
That is such a shame.....I think it would be fun to do something tropical...that way if by chance you can have the pool party you can stick with the theme. Something like a hula party....or something..keep it water oriented, and tropical.....
2007-06-04 10:27:40 UTC
Why move it indoors it's a pool party there gonna get wet anyway just have food etc. indoors.
2007-06-04 08:48:49 UTC
You guys can go see a movie, or if they are younger, try to make the best out of the rain, like having water gun fights, or setting up a sprinkler for them to run through.
2014-06-10 19:08:07 UTC
You could put together a little story line using each of the kids. Take pictures of each scene. You can then make it into a little comic book. Fun activity and something the kids will remember when they look back at their own personal comic book with their friends.
2007-05-31 12:40:20 UTC
Send the rain to us, it's dry here!!!

No, um, you could show them all a movie or do charades, or if you don't want to do anything like that, just cancel the party, or pray that it doesn't rain. Have the party the next day.
2007-05-30 16:00:42 UTC
If it's a pool party does it really matter if it's raining?
2007-05-30 13:34:54 UTC
Still keep the "pool/beach" theme, but bring it inside. Even though you won't have a pool, it will still be fun seeing everyone dressed in their bathing suit and goggles!
2007-05-30 13:11:08 UTC
pull out the ol' slip and slides... let the rain do the work..

kids love rain and swimming wont get in the way... unless electrical storm.. then keep them indoors ... if its a small group you can let them do each others "play makeup" or nailpainting.. give em hairspray and have them do hair and with throw away camara's capture all the funny looks... we used to do this when i was a young teen...
Alien Boy
2007-06-02 18:58:50 UTC
I highly recommend taking the kids roller skating. It allows them to get some exercise, visit with friends and enjoy socializing with other kids. The people watching should keep adults occupied as well.
2007-06-02 15:55:00 UTC
if it is just rain then swim, what are you afraid of getting wet while in the pool. if there is lightning then you could do stuff inside like watch movies etc...
2007-06-02 07:30:39 UTC
Play a game call "TO THE TOP ",this game is play when it rains, using a glass seeing who glass has the most rain in it .
jacky harrison
2007-05-31 19:45:49 UTC
well you should play like makeup games like blind fold makeup when somebody gives a person a makeover blindfolded!!! also you can play scary games or maybe have a dressup game well it kind of depends on how old they are. i mean if i give an advice to let them go do stuff like wearing makeup and ur daughter is 9 than i wouldn't recomend it.. well i think u should look up games on google or something k. peace.
2007-05-29 18:16:30 UTC



Healthy food too


Guitar Hero


Make it beach-themed!

Good music

Maybe some games like Twister would be fun.

That sounds like a pretty good party
ken j
2007-05-29 14:46:36 UTC
well mam how about takin the little darlins bowling or to an indoor water park depending where you live or to a entertainment center games etc hope the little ones are happy good luck
2014-06-12 20:24:15 UTC
You can do a photo scavanger hunt. If it is for girls, you could make it like an American's Next Top Model and be a photo shoot. Little boys could dress up like super heroes or cowboys or something and you could take their pictures.
2007-06-01 19:15:49 UTC
Go to a indoor water park and have a lot of fun with your friends
2007-05-31 11:37:05 UTC
You could go to chucky cheese or you could go to a resturant or have the party inside if your house is to small or you don't want nothing to get broke than cancel the party and have it the next day
2007-05-31 07:43:08 UTC
Well, honestly, to me when it rains when we're in the pool, its fun, i mean, if its a thunder storm, i can under stand you wanting to take them in, but just rain, it'll be fine outside.

But if you do take them in. You should maybe have music, and dancing, and maybe like twister or twister moves even better. Yeah, fun!
2007-06-01 07:39:31 UTC
try looking around for a hotel with a pool. im sure they will be happy to rent out teh pool to you for the party.
2007-05-31 18:11:27 UTC
if it's still hot out when it's raining, keep the pool party going. either way, they're getting wet. As long as it's not cold and there is no lightning, it's ok.
2007-05-31 16:58:07 UTC
first of all your a good mother for trying to re-plan, and not just cancelling it like some people would do.

There's MANY choices on what to do, you could have a movie sleepover, dance party, a "dancing in the rain" thing, still go swimming deppending if they'res thunder and lightning then be safe and stay in, but there are MANY MANY MANY choices!!
2007-05-31 09:48:12 UTC
You need to get a business and get all the money and your daughters will get a pool party if you can afford it.
2007-05-30 17:05:18 UTC
I'd say the best bet is to find an indoor swimming place. Also... I love swimming in the rain! As long as it's not thundering, you COULD still do it as planned.
2007-05-30 10:57:22 UTC
pizza! and go to a pool with a pavilion over it. like the one in cypress bend! and play games like who can stay underwater the longest! also, the palmbay pool has a huge waterslide and two diving boards! its great fun!
2014-08-25 05:14:36 UTC
you can see a movie, going to a camping place is freate for girls and boys, parents may help you, but as you said it would rain so going outside is actualy a bad Idea... Lets think, when I have friend we usualy turn the light off and try to build a home from chairs and... Games like Monopoly, Game of life, Uno are always great for having fun, escpecialy this days, there is creapy ones goggie ones.... Videi games is not the best option, but you can do turns, like a group playing this game the other groub is..... But boys love video gams so if they don't like the family games they would love to... You may think it's weird but I'm kind of big for that but it's fun! You may do silly playes, for example Romeo and juliet in the future way (Romeo and juliette is just an example)! If they are all girls it would be cool ig they shear stories, or build stuff... Hope this answere would be helpfull! you can see a movie, going to a camping place is freate for girls and boys, parents may help you, but as you said it would rain so going outside is actualy a bad Idea... Lets think, when I have friend we usualy turn the light off and try to build a home from chairs and... Games like Monopoly, Game of life, Uno are always great for having fun, escpecialy this days, there is creapy ones goggie ones.... Videi games is not the best option, but you can do turns, like a group playing this game the other groub is..... But boys love video gams so if they don't like the family games they would love to... You may think it's weird but I'm kind of big for that but it's fun! You may do silly playes, for example Romeo and juliet in the future way (Romeo and juliette is just an example)! If they are all girls it would be cool ig they shear stories, or build stuff... Hope this answere would be helpfull!
2007-06-03 07:23:13 UTC
well like many people have said have a party with movies,music,snacks,and soda or u can do it at a hotel with a pool just call everyone to alert them of the changed location :)
2007-05-30 11:37:41 UTC
if its not too cold and its not lightning outside, make a slip n slide....get a large piece of plastic (there's a name for it, I can't remember what its called, you can get it at Home Depot/Lowes) and lay it out and put some (not too much) baby oil on it to make it slippery...the kids will have an awesome time out in the rain running and sliding on it....
2007-05-30 04:10:04 UTC
if its not cold and raining to heavy .. let them swim in the rain. the water is warmer and it will give them alot of laughs and a day/night to remember. dont envy the person doing the washing tho
2007-06-01 20:47:48 UTC
well i guess you could do watterbloons indoors. that has wter. u can make activities like who can toss the waterbloon the most times without dropping it. i would do this in the kitchen.

u could also change the theme. send out an envatation that says it is a regular party. well thats all i got good luck and best wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Elba Calao
2007-05-30 13:38:36 UTC
Put up different activities, so the kids don't get bored. A movie marathon or karaoke. Maybe you should ask your daughter what kind of things she like to do and start from there...
2007-05-29 20:13:57 UTC
I would do a craft, and perhaps play pin the tail on the donkey. Serve pizza and cake, and let them throw some beach balls around to pass the time.
2007-05-29 14:19:34 UTC
I hate when that happens. Well You Can Never Predict Mother Nature So Cant Know For Sure That It Will Get Rained Out. Anyway you should have a back up plan just incase. If your daughter is a teen I suggest you have a dance party. Invite all the kids as planned and play there favorite music. If they are smaller kids (below age 10) let them just party around the house. You really don't have to have a planned idea. Just buy snacks and drinks. Trust me they will find something to do on their own. Now if they are babies/toddlers this will be harder. In that case you can play a TV show or a movie for them.

PS - You could also just ask your daughter what she would like to do.

Good Luck
2007-05-31 17:16:30 UTC
I'm assuming this is an all girl party? if so then have a huge sleepover with lots of popcorn, movies, and soda. With a couple of pizzas. they'll find things to do when its a sleepover...Maybe a scavenger hunt as well. Those are fun!
2007-05-31 03:32:50 UTC
Book an entertainer to come and sort it out. The average cost for a few hours is about 100 pounds and they will totally sort the entertainment side of things.

Good luck
2007-05-29 14:33:30 UTC
Swim anyways. They might have fun. Music, cool drinks, turn the tv on, move the furinature out of the rooms.
Brittany I
2007-06-02 20:26:14 UTC
Get a hotel w/ a pool
robert e
2007-05-31 18:45:45 UTC
as long as it is not doing the thunder and lightening bit what will it matter if it rains as the little crumb snatchers will be wet in the pool anyway !
2007-05-31 00:15:09 UTC
there are plenty you can do a scavenger hunt, a game of bingo, or dance in parts of the house while clips of the b-day person are going on TV. also i have done a fear factor party with fun ideas.
2007-05-30 14:37:19 UTC
How about a Hawaiian party inside?
2007-05-30 10:24:58 UTC
Keep the plans, but tell everyone to bring their rain jackets and rain boots, so they can continue having fun even with rain.
2007-05-30 08:21:17 UTC
continue the pool party outside kids have fun playing in tha rain and they wont get hurt lol rain wont kill
2007-05-29 23:16:58 UTC
We organized a bunch of games for my daughter's birthday, but the thing they enjoyed the most was just playing with stickers. Give them all something to decorate then provide a bunch of stickers and crayons.

Above all ... no glue or glitter. Too messy.
Gertrude McFuzz
2007-06-03 00:25:51 UTC
Go inside, put on a movie, set out some paper, glue, pencils etc. , put the Playstation (if you want to or have one) on a multiplayer game, and set out some snacks.
2007-06-01 14:42:24 UTC
go inside and just have an awesome time you can crank the tunes and play games like musical chairs or just hang out. but if you can change it to next week,but if thats not good either put it offuntil you find the perfect time
2007-05-31 19:25:28 UTC
Open up the garage doors, park the cars in the driveway,

move everyone inside. Put your grill just outside the doors and go get em. Have fun..
2007-05-31 18:03:47 UTC
how can a pool party be rained out!! cmon be creative, kids can swim in the rain! its fun..then afterwards have them watch a good movie with snacks..itll be a good way to spend a rainy day
2007-05-30 13:58:04 UTC
Make it a PJ Party with Game and do they nails and all the beautiful thing girls do. AT Party make cookie,popcorn.
2007-05-29 23:47:00 UTC
it's a committed solution, but when I did it for my daughter (with the help of her father and another parent who stayed to hang out) we tie-dyed t-shirts. 3 different colors,, lots of rubber bands and alot more patience. We had a movie playing, various kid games but the big hit was the t-shirts. It was the ultimate party favor. look it up on-line. it's not so bad and they loved it, talked about for years. lol Good luck to you
2007-06-02 16:19:48 UTC
See if you can move it into the garage..

Just playing in a garage makes some children happy.

It would help if we knew the ages of the children.. to suggest some activities.
Ryan's mom
2007-05-31 16:53:45 UTC
My niece came with us for camping over the Memorial Day weekend and it rained. She went swimming anyway. As long as there is no thunder & lightening it doesn't really matter. They are going to get wet one way or the other.
Dylan M
2007-05-31 16:06:50 UTC
You can have an indoor movie party with all different movies playing on different tv's so that everyone can watch something they like.
2007-05-31 14:50:14 UTC
Call the weather man, ask him how long and wat time itll be raining.... then have the kids swim till it starts raining to go inside to eat! then by time they are done eating theyll all have to play games for an hour before getting back into the water anyways and it should stop raining by then!

screaming monk
2007-05-29 20:45:13 UTC
You have the crowd; engage them in a reverse rain-dance!

Maybe all the kids have to do is an old fashioned rain-dance backwards!

Could be fun even if it doesn't work.
2007-06-02 14:09:00 UTC
have multiple activities going on so you have something for everyone.Maybe have video games available for play in the living room.A fun kids game like apples to apples set out on the dining room table.Have some DVDs for kids in their age group to enjoy in another room.Add food and your all set.Have multiple activities set so that if some don't like to do one thing they have other options.
2007-06-01 10:52:32 UTC
Well you can...Play musical chairs, pass the parcel...even pin the tale on the donkey! also if you have singstar then that would be good for them to play. The main thing is to keep them busy or they'll go WILD!
2007-05-30 19:07:53 UTC
well if they were going to be getting wet anyways why not let them play in the 20 and i still enjoy playing in the rain as long as it warm rain...
2007-05-30 17:10:57 UTC
I have three words for you: DDR, soda, candy.

That's about all you could ever possibly need to keep 15 children happy.
2007-05-29 21:16:55 UTC
Depending on how old they are, arrange for some games to be played. There's always a right time and place for some music also. Have to get creative.
2007-05-29 20:08:11 UTC
If it rains, who cares? You're all wet anyways. But incase you all don't want to be outside, have something to do inside too. You could play games inside, eat, stuff, whatever.

That or you could always reschedule if the weather looks bad. But I wouldn't worry.
2007-06-02 11:57:36 UTC
check for local indoor pool's tell them your story ,and-you might work something out good luck and have fun .
2007-06-01 11:00:40 UTC
Games !!! the old fashioned ones like monolopy,scrabble twister.and possibly a treasure hunt for cash. That should do the trick
2007-06-01 09:27:29 UTC
Whgy can't you have an inside beach party. Make them be in their bathing suits, bring towels, set up lounge chairs inside. Put on beach music, and a beach movie. Put everything in coolers. Set up an umbrella. the kids will love it!
2007-05-31 20:42:30 UTC
you could get a hot new band, rapper, singer. lots of lights will really set the mood if its an over night party. it depends on there age for this one it could be a boys and girls party, put in the basement if you have one or if its big enough.
2007-05-31 17:38:40 UTC
A rain party!
2007-05-31 14:51:18 UTC
well..... You can always play games inside like writing down different persons names on pieces of paper and stick them on their backs. Make sure there are people they'll know! They can ask other kids yes or no question like Is it a girl? It is very enjoying but i don't know the childrens ages.
2007-05-31 11:15:23 UTC
try a dance party and have dance offs! If it rains, but cool music remember!
2007-05-31 10:57:20 UTC
Have an indoor luau its cheep fun and fast to put together just theme it around Hawaii.
bobby a
2007-05-30 16:18:56 UTC
get vidoe games, music e.t.c. and if u want u can play sum indoor board games, or regular games!!:) but if u want to b.b.Q. , just get a tent. ,like wen i had a party IT didn't rain,but we put a tent for fun. that tent we have takes up our whole backyard. and i hav like a lot of sheds, and a big playground, and A LOT MORE and that tent coverd the whole backyard! u can also let the girls hav a sleepover, or take e'm to chuckie cheese's or something. good luck :) (tell her happy b-day for me too.)
2007-06-02 19:42:29 UTC
what if u like watch a movie play games then lil crafts then eatand rest day lets kids do watever if ur house is small go 2 like chuck e chesse if ur kid is like a teenager let them hang out well u should put how oldur kid is
2007-06-02 10:52:35 UTC
you could have them all bring there favorite movie and have a movie night. turn off the lights and make it like a movie theater! have pizza and snacks on a counter like a snack booth!

this is similar to what i had to do at one of my parties when i was younger.
2007-06-01 19:23:26 UTC
i dont know why everyone says they should dance. have the party still outside unless theres thunderstorms and rent a movie. And whatever you do dont get a clown. most clowns are pedophiles and will probably molester the kids. So make sure theres no clowns :)
The Nike Kid
2007-05-30 13:44:09 UTC
Order some pizza and watch a baseball game
2007-05-29 20:08:18 UTC
wow, it is a pool party. just let it go on. i, personally, love swimming in the rain. they are wet anyways.
Rachel L
2007-05-29 18:39:50 UTC
I would take all those girls to the mall.Girls love to go to the mall.Besides it's always the best thing to do when it's raining outside.Maybe go to J.C Penney or Target.Someplace cool.

Cuzz you don't want to let your daughter down,do you?
Rusty Shackleford
2007-05-31 09:53:00 UTC
Let them in play in the rain and get mudded up. Then rinse them off with a hose afterwards.
2007-06-02 10:37:06 UTC
2007-06-01 18:12:24 UTC
Dance party. DDR possibly? Twister`s always good.
2007-05-31 09:17:39 UTC
I never understood that. Are they afraid to get wet or something? =)

keep the party going, grill under a cheap umbrella from k-mart. it'll be even more fun because it's different.
You have questions I have answer
2007-05-30 23:53:02 UTC
Lol try twister great game great fun kids love it im 14 but i still do. Also play board games cook cookies! Its all good!
2007-06-04 10:19:12 UTC
have a big party with music and dancing then watch movies. or have a sleep over
gold lion.
2007-06-02 17:16:08 UTC
do a treasure hunt. bake cookies/sweet stuff and get everyone invovled. face painting is a good idea. twister, maybe have 3 mats out instead of one. go swimming anyway!
2007-06-02 10:13:20 UTC
ok well you can put an inside dance party and make it as long as you want it but basically find out what they like and bring it to them
2007-05-29 21:26:55 UTC
set up tons of games

makeup a mystery

instead of ordering food let the kids make their own personal pizzas to take up more time and make their own sundaes

pop a new movie in and make hot coco and popcorn

if its all girls set them up with a partner, blindfold one girl and have her be the "makeup artist" while the other is the customer
2007-06-02 16:28:49 UTC
Get a tent, some dried food and flashlights and camp inside. Play camp games, sing-alongs. Create a whole camping experience..........
2007-06-02 07:55:43 UTC
well if it's a blow up pool then you can just take it somewhere inside and if not put one of those tent like things over it
2007-06-01 16:52:01 UTC
take a bunch of balloons and well, play volleyball! Or you could just watch a movie! YAY- happy bday!

good luck
2007-05-29 23:30:02 UTC
You refuse to swim in water because water is falling from the sky?

Why don't you put those umbrella tents over the food and swim like you intended?
2007-05-29 21:04:22 UTC
get a slip n slide and do that in the rain. soooo much fun. then they can come in and dry off and have pizza and cake or something along those lines
2007-06-03 20:51:34 UTC
I would just lets them go in the pool. there just gonna get wet anyways!!
2007-06-03 09:44:27 UTC
swim at an in door pool area doesn't cost any thing
2007-06-01 08:57:41 UTC
Let them go play out in the rain!!!!! We did that at one of our picnics, and it was the best picnic ever!

or if you do not want them doing that rent movies make popcorn and play games.

Good luck!!
2007-05-31 14:10:34 UTC
cubs fan<3
2007-05-29 19:23:06 UTC
well im a kid so if this does happen..

*get good music to dance to inside

*have amazzing pizza/soda

*a movie would be good

*get some good games out

*popcorn with the movie =D
2007-06-01 18:54:38 UTC
I would say reschedule the date or if their is too much people ask other friends that are going to help you out
2007-06-01 16:43:51 UTC
actually it may be more exciting to see them swim in the rain and if there is lighting going on it just adds to the enjoyment and intensity level
2007-05-29 23:36:50 UTC
A dance party with Twister and other games.
2007-05-29 19:10:12 UTC
go swimming in the rain. it is perfectly fine unless you hear thunder or see lightening, then get inside.

swimming in the rain is fun!
2007-06-03 15:34:13 UTC
well lots of activities get some sketch books and notebooks

and popcorn and tv and make it a mini- sleepover will not sleeping
robert v
2007-05-31 09:44:35 UTC
if there is no lightning, you could rent a party tent to go over the pool.
Grant G
2007-05-30 09:05:00 UTC
try music, dancing, etc.

Also, movies and possibly an interactive videogame like dance dance revolution or guitar hero could be fun.

another fun thing to do would be chocolate fondu...its more of an indoor thing anyway.
2007-05-30 00:41:10 UTC
Have it anyway! They were going to get wet anyway, right? Unless its a thunderstorm, go for it! Kids love rain, Pax - C
2007-05-29 22:18:31 UTC
Give the kids a chance to proofread all of your answers for spelling and grammar mistakes, that will keep them busy for HOURS!
2007-05-31 09:23:22 UTC
Have everyone bring their own umbrella and chair, or ask your daughter for some advise. You might not go to do what she suggest, but she might give you some ideas.
2007-05-30 17:04:32 UTC
If it's not a thunderstorm enjoy playing in the rain!
2007-05-30 08:12:14 UTC
Swim in da rain!! Then drink Cocoa afterward & watch a romantic comedy! :D
2007-06-01 10:25:33 UTC
Have food! And lots of different activities.
shay m
2007-05-31 11:54:10 UTC
you could go to an indoor waterpark if you have one nearby or a simple indoor pool.
2007-05-31 00:39:54 UTC
Um, if you're in the pool, you're already wet. Who cares if it rains?
2007-06-01 09:57:03 UTC
Move to Los Angeles...we have no rain this year
2007-05-30 07:23:25 UTC
Rent like 5 movies, and have alot of beverages and snacks. make it a movie party.
2007-06-02 13:30:18 UTC
let them swim in the rain
joanne m f
2007-06-02 03:06:37 UTC

2007-05-31 13:21:13 UTC
Rent movies, and have a variety of board and puzzle games
2007-06-01 15:09:06 UTC
if she is in elementary school (say kindergarten to3rd grade) then they may enjoy playing simple games like duck duck goose, twister, mother may I, relay races, or boiled egg tosses.

if she is older (4th-up) they would like to have music to dance to, or a jello toss.. or you could ask her & her friends what they would like to do..

I hope this helps!
2007-05-31 16:21:48 UTC
well when is her b day well jus have a party at a hotel and have the pool part there
Lily W
2007-05-30 16:43:13 UTC
do the party in the rain, again. It'll be awsome trust me you'll see
2007-05-30 09:28:03 UTC
if its all girls turn it into a sleepover with pizza, dressup, makeovers, the whole nine yards. Or do a hunt for treasure in the house with music
2007-05-29 23:05:52 UTC
Hot tubbing!!! Pin the tail on the donkey...hahaha.

Or you can do something like indoor salon time...
2007-06-02 09:30:17 UTC
Chucky Cheese get them out of the house or you will probably kill someone this weekend!!!!!
Christopher T
2007-06-01 15:15:46 UTC
a make out party.
2007-05-31 18:59:23 UTC
well i recommend taking them inside let them dance to music and watch tv and give them plenty of food and drinks but nothing too sugary cause itll get them hyper trust me.
Randy G
2007-05-30 05:54:15 UTC
You know, you can still swim in the rain, as long as there is no lightning.
2007-05-30 05:50:00 UTC
have it anyway....

the idea is to get wet right?

so set up a buffet for the food and keep that dry...and have games that are rain themed....
2007-06-05 10:17:52 UTC
take em to a game place and give em $5 each
2007-06-03 22:26:31 UTC
Maccas or a video/movie event look good.
2007-06-02 14:12:07 UTC
keep them entertained by playing that musical chairs game is good for kids their age
♥ beautiful ♥ brittany ♥
2007-05-30 17:41:18 UTC
play sunami or rain forest its rainig and you got an ocean a puddel and quick sand use your imagination.
2007-05-30 10:53:13 UTC
why not just go to the local leisure center where there are pools and other things to entertain.
2007-06-02 20:53:10 UTC
you can rent an inside pool recreational center,if there is one close to your residence.
kate w
2007-06-01 13:34:09 UTC
it depends on what age, um if they are in middle school or above you could put them in a room with the latest pop music

in elementary put them in your basement with a ball
2007-06-02 17:53:54 UTC
its like party like dance music and put fake rain and like this something.
♥ (:
2007-05-31 18:00:48 UTC
Playing fun games and eating lots of snacks.
2007-05-30 12:06:57 UTC
get a huge tent thing--- and do crafts that involve water-- bubbles, bubble painting, etc.... they can do them in their bathing suits!!! if the sun ever comes up, go in the pool
2007-06-01 11:25:12 UTC
go to a indoor pool so she wont be mad at u.
2007-05-31 20:24:57 UTC
Play twister, always a pleaser.
2007-05-31 18:41:54 UTC
2007-05-29 19:06:40 UTC
set the kiddie pool up in your kitchen and they can play in that.
2007-06-02 09:01:05 UTC
Ummm, i might suggest going to a hotel and staying for the night/day? Maybe you might like change it, to like a pizza party or something idk. I hope it works out for you tho.
Liz E
2007-06-01 17:49:02 UTC
i would let them swim if it was thundering or lighting but only if it was like 13 or older but get scary movies and leave them to themselves they if there younger they surely find something to do on there own
rain k
2007-06-03 01:09:32 UTC
clear away the furniture and put down a twister will love it
2007-06-02 22:06:53 UTC
why not swim in the rain
2007-06-02 21:11:01 UTC
They're going to get wet anyway, so what difference does it make?
Nana Callie loves to sing
2007-06-01 11:41:09 UTC
swim in the rain!
2007-05-29 13:04:11 UTC
Think about that one - a rained out party where everyone would get wet if it were dry but want to stay dry because it is wet outside......

Having lived in England where you can have four seasons in any given afternoon, you get the mindset that the weather will not put a limit on your fun. A picnic in the rain is just as much or more fun than a dry one.
jessica w
2007-06-01 06:54:56 UTC
well if its not thundering or lightning have the party, they are going to get wet anyway!!!
2007-05-31 16:59:43 UTC
Let them play paintball inside your house. You will be the coolest mom on earth.
Lexi Lou
2007-05-30 16:14:42 UTC
i know you could set up a room in your home as a beach room to have a beach thing! it would be fun for any kids!
2007-05-30 06:57:18 UTC
play board games,watch movies, eat popcorn, have a dance off, play truth or dare but keep on watch in case dares get to gross or dangerous.
Unknown Caller
2007-06-02 08:27:31 UTC
Go to sleep
2007-06-01 14:10:39 UTC
yah, get up under the carport until it stops raining!
2007-05-30 21:53:39 UTC
swimming in the rain is always fun
2007-05-29 20:45:54 UTC
yea jus keep on goin lie if it were not raining :)
2007-05-29 16:44:05 UTC
freze dance

spin the bottle

truth or dare

here are some websites:
Estelle C
2007-06-02 15:41:12 UTC
if their is no lightining, just let them swim in the rain.
2007-05-31 06:25:29 UTC
maybe her friends could come over and watch movies and swim anoter day.
2007-05-31 01:13:37 UTC
just tell them to come tomorrow or get a tarp
2007-05-29 14:19:23 UTC
well if it is not lightning let them swim anyway they will already bet wet lol any way have the cake and ice cream inside and then let them get wet if it is not lightning out there what will be the big deal they will be happy to play in the rain i would think lol anyway have a good one
2007-06-03 01:55:32 UTC
well if there is no lightning, keep swimming. your going to be wet either way
2007-05-31 20:06:52 UTC
i never understood why people quit swimming when it rains.....are they afraid they will get wet????? unless there is lightning, let them have some fun!!!
Soccer Girl ♥
2007-05-29 17:22:57 UTC
make the kids do a water ballon fight. I think!
Calvin of the Crew (Leader)
2007-05-31 16:58:22 UTC
make sure you have plenty of music and avoid generic board games trust me on this
2007-05-29 16:48:08 UTC
HOUSE PARTY! WOHOO this happen to my friend last summer that is what we did it was tight!
2007-05-29 14:29:13 UTC
i`m not sure cos it depends how old yor daughter is

we usually have a great tym wen we have

-a dvd night we order in pizza hut and buy lots of treats and have a theme like comedy or for younger children for example scoodyboo or dora .older kids might enjoy horror or sci fi

-maybe a pyjama party,slumber party sleepover [dey gotta be all girls]

-or take d kids out to eat and den take dem to a games room maybe

-or if u dont want to clean up after 15 kids hire a room or venue and an\a few animator\s

-or chek if yor fave restaurant have a party package like mc donalds,the gateway diner,eden superbowl
2007-06-02 00:51:46 UTC
go 2 fairyland or sum gurl thing depends her age u neva said how old she is
2007-05-31 15:07:43 UTC
take them to a popular movie
2007-05-31 08:07:21 UTC
if u het caught in the rain your in water alredy!!!
2007-05-30 16:24:25 UTC
Rent whatever movie they want.

Buy popcorn,snacks,and other stuff.
Phenomenal King
2007-05-31 18:32:53 UTC
2007-05-31 08:33:11 UTC
a rainbow party
2007-05-30 17:48:15 UTC
2016-05-15 15:39:50 UTC
Black light, tshirts, highlighters and some black butcher paper!!! Our rained out birthday was a blast!!! Thanks!!
mini me <3
2007-05-29 15:48:11 UTC
this really depends on your daughters age
2007-05-29 14:01:03 UTC
You could have a pinata! Or if you have a porch or a big room you could put a blow-up pool in it! You could play Twister and other games and have arts and crafts! And around the blow up pool you could put the fake sand you get from arts and crafts stores around it!
2007-06-04 05:16:01 UTC
No I Do Not
2007-06-01 21:11:13 UTC
Mud wrestling might be good.
2007-05-30 09:54:48 UTC
Just have it outside anyways, if they are just kids, they will love it. tell them to suck it up chumps.
2007-06-04 06:04:13 UTC
if thats what she really wants, still go ahead with it......or postpone...

i have postponed something similar before......and it still went off!!!

hope i helped...
2007-05-31 09:00:34 UTC
go out and buy dance dance revolution if you don't already have it, or take them bowling
Adriana F
2007-05-29 13:49:33 UTC
It depends on how old your daughter is you have crafts or clowns or maybe put on some of the latest music and snacks indoors or an indoor pool.
2007-05-30 14:46:33 UTC
TWISTER is a funerific game :)
2007-05-30 06:53:52 UTC
sleep over
2007-06-02 15:02:45 UTC
it depends on their age
2007-05-30 22:11:25 UTC
REAL simple. You reschedule.
2007-05-29 19:18:10 UTC
2007-05-29 12:51:41 UTC
Depends on the age. Dance to cool new music. Have chips, pretzels, cookies!!!!, ext. Watch movies, play boredgames/card games!
2007-06-01 19:56:42 UTC
2007-05-31 15:49:55 UTC
what are you afraid someone might get wet?
2007-06-02 15:25:46 UTC
post pone it
2007-06-02 07:29:25 UTC
i say why not swin in the rain!!!!!!
2007-05-31 19:54:32 UTC
2007-05-29 23:49:09 UTC
keep swiming woo!
2007-05-29 22:42:09 UTC
twister, guitar hero, dress up.

how old are they?
2007-06-02 19:06:32 UTC
MAKEOVER!!!! And a movie
Deja W
2007-05-29 12:24:55 UTC
See if you can book a pool party at the YMCA if not tell your its summa time you can have a pool party on Monday are on or the days of the week or maybe next weekend even thought that would probably brake her!

Or let her have a sleepover!
brown_eyed _blondie
2007-06-01 21:46:09 UTC
how old is the kid??
phil w
2007-05-30 21:03:33 UTC
ritalin, lots of it...
Out of Ctrl
2007-05-30 18:32:56 UTC
or you can reschedule
♥FuNkeE KiitTeN♥
2007-05-30 06:55:28 UTC
wat about play in the rain and have a mudd fight LOL its dirty but TONS of funn!!!!
jacob h
2007-05-31 11:03:52 UTC
2007-05-30 18:25:58 UTC
how old are they?
2007-06-03 20:21:55 UTC
2007-05-31 14:11:14 UTC
YEAH AT YO MOMMA HOUSE@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
2007-05-29 13:22:09 UTC
an indoor pool or maybe a Chuck E. Cheese
Mystery Maiden
2007-05-29 09:03:27 UTC
If they're a bit older, I'd recommend a mystery game. We have a great one for kids that is an 8 person game. The rest of the kids could be additional summer school students! Here's the link -

Hope this helps!


2007-05-30 08:29:18 UTC
Have an orgy.
2007-05-29 11:47:54 UTC
I would say for you to get a small outdoor pool and put a little bit of water in it, do pick up ducks... face painting and go fish.. the go fish is simple, put up a sheet on a close line high enough its over the kids head, get a cane pole with fishing line and a clothes pin, let them put it over the sheet and on the other side of it have someone sitting there putting small gifts on the clothes line. when they feel a tug on the line, pull it over and get the prize!! have fun, be creative and different. good luck. ps. let the kids still wear their bathing suits and if its not storming, let them play in the rain, maybe doing a rain dance to stop the rain... Happy Birthday to the little one!!!
2007-06-03 18:44:46 UTC
ummm..................SLUMBER PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-05-29 13:48:46 UTC
You could move the date of the party if that isn't to hard. Another possibility would be to rent a tent shelter of some sort and keep lots of towels under it. Well good luck with whatever you decide to do.
2007-05-29 12:02:48 UTC
put on a movie. get a themed cake and dedoprations. it will be fun. you could also get a bunch a games like twister or something.
2007-05-29 14:31:56 UTC
a rainbow party!! lol
2007-05-29 13:50:33 UTC
Just let them play in the pool. They're going to be wet already, so who cares if it's raining.

If you're worried about lightning, don't be. I doubt they'll get hit.

Also, kids love rain, graham crackers, and Charles E. Cheese. Throw some graham crackers in the pool, invite a spokeperson from Charles E. Cheese, and keep it real.

Also, make yourself a stiff drink to celebrate. You're a good mother.
Joe Steel
2007-05-29 13:48:39 UTC
You should probably call the kid's parents and tell them to call the party off until another day.
2007-05-29 12:31:25 UTC
issue out umbrellas!!!
2007-05-29 12:15:14 UTC
Bring them to Popeye's or KFC or Rasing Canes or some chicken place.Everybody loves chicken.You can never go wrong by driving them to eat chicken.Chicken rules!!
▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ *~D-Girl~* ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌
2007-05-29 11:53:06 UTC
go to a public aquatic center. kids like that. plus, its indoors! or, u could go skating, bowling, to a movie, pizza party, build-a-bear workshop, just a fun party indoors at ur house 4 a few hours. there's lots 2 do. just....find out WHAT to do.
Wallace T
2007-05-29 11:45:11 UTC
go to walmart by cheap tarp to put up.8by 10 probly will do.
2007-05-29 07:43:02 UTC
put them all down in the basement

play some fun music

have some good food and get a clown, kids love clowns, find one that does ballons and face painting

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.